As I see you're also triggered and emotionaly invested in social media drama. Do not be an NPC like the rest of them.
Instead of fighting the internet warriors, why not read about Rome?
I promise, I do not receive any remuneration from this link:
This book is amazing, even if you're not into Roman poop. Audiobook available too.
I was washing dishes today and listened to it again, chapter six, for the, hmmmm, fourteenth-time?
Get out of my head.
For the last week or so (I recently read a new history of Rome and have been wanting to do an 'imperial' paintjob on a model. Apparently there's already a white/gold Zaku in "Build Fighters Try," so I was thinking of adding violet stripes onto gold trim on a white background to resemble a Roman senator or priest's toga.
As a general rule, historians love books -- and this one, if he hasn't read it already, is a great text for someone who loves Rome:
Beyond that, it's hard to give advice without knowing him. Possible gifts could include books, movies, documentaries, games, jewelry and other reproductions, militaria, or real (or replica) Roman coins.
I'm personally always fond of reproduced artefacts, and you can get pretty much anything depending on his taste. For myself, the perfect gift would be some reproduction Roman pottery or glass -- but I'm always looking for something cool to eat or drink out of, and other people like other sorts of things so it's difficult to advise without really knowing him.
Also, if you want to learn more about HOW the average Roman lived, Mary Beards book SPQR is a great look at the average life of Romans.
She also has a video series based on this book. It is called Meet the Romans. Here it is in youtube in different parts:
Anything by Mary Beard really (SPQR, Pompeii, etc). Also there are some good documentaries for people with amazon prime video.
If the friend likes maps, maybe The Eternal City? Or other Maps of the Empire.
Is this what you’re listening to? SPQR: A History of Ancient Rome
Mass migration destroyed the Roman Empire. Also, according to the scholar Mary Beard in SPQR what started the fall of Rome was when they started granting Roman citizenship to all people within its borders. This diluted what it met to be a Roman and destroyed the common values/culture.
Sounds like Republicans are right. We need to prevent mass migration and also force immigrants to fully assimilate. Bring back the "great melting pot" and lose your foreign culture.
Here’s a professor at Cambridge...check it out
If this isn’t up to your standards, perhaps you’re not honestly searching for the truth.
Here’s a noted professor from Cambridge:
Perhaps she can answer your questions on the topic.