Hey if you’re tired of chasing ghosts and my recommendation is to install a battery disconnect directly to the negative terminal and unscrew and re-screw the turning handle appropriately after and before use.
You may as well be chasing that ghost with no end in sight so come up with a workaround. Mechanics may advocate to continue searching for this ghost as it brings you in to them more often but the solution I’m giving you here should do the trick (just a quick read through the nearly 5 star average rating will show a plethora of people who were chasing ghosts just like you):
Remember, always ask yourself if I did something to make somebody’s day better today. Have a great day :)
Thanks for the detailed information!
Yes, there are 2 issues that I'm facing:
I park on the street, if I park in a garage, it will be a completely different story. It is annoying if I have to keep pulling out the battery to be charged inside every few weeks in the winter. If I don't want to pull out the battery, it is still annoying to pull out extension cord. It's quite a distance from the garage, where I have to use the electric outlet, to where I park my car on the street + risking someone tripping over the cable.
I drive the car in short distance just for grocery purposes only.
I can't think of where should I drive for longer, even once a month. The only thing is to intentionally going around stoney and deerfoot just for the purpose of maintaining the battery, but, the thought of wasting gas just so I can maintain the battery seems like too much for me.
During summer, I usually pull out the battery once a month to be charged inside During winter and between 0 to -20. I may have to do it once every 2 weeks probably.
If it's below -20, I don't have a chance but to pull extension cord to run block heater and I can also charge the battery at the same time. When it's between 0 and -20 is what I'm thinking about to lessen the annoyance.
That said, whatever I choose to do, I still have to charge the battery once a while and currently, what I'm looking at is something to prolong the charging interval and therefore, lessen the annoyance.
Even with new batteries, due to my short distance driving nature, I still have to charge the battery. So far, this device seems like the answer: https://www.amazon.ca/Universal-Battery-Disconnect-Terminal-Isolator/dp/B074HW532B/ref=sr_1_6?dchild=1&keywords=Battery+Disconnect+Switch&qid=1631898443&sr=8-6
It has one trade-off, I can't remote starter the car. I have to go out to turn the switch first before I can remote starter the car but, all of the other options have its own trade-off as well. So far, there is no perfect option with no trade-off at all.
If you don't want to drive it enough each week to keep it charged this is probably the simplest solution. Easier than a charger and the battery should last months in the winter without dying. There are different types so make sure you get the right connection and that the size/shape won't be an issue. Just disconnect it each time you park.
Could be a million different things and could take quite a bit for a skilled mechanic to diagnose. Basically connect a multimeter to the battery and fuse and various wires to track down what's draining it over time. Here's a video to get the idea:
Alternatively you can install a quick release plug for your battery. Something like this:
Spurtar Top Post Battery Disconnect Switch Battery Master Switch Isolator with Green Knob 12V or 24V for Car Truck Boat Vehicles Power Disconnect Cut Off https://www.amazon.com/dp/B074HW532B/ref=cm_sw_r_apan_glt_fabc_7PHTM6A761V5EVRN47YR?_encoding=UTF8&psc=1
Then whenever you park the car for the a couple hours you can quickly disocnnef the battery so it doesn't drain. Not an ideal solution but tracking down electrical faults can be tricky and costly.
I just use a disconnect and make sure the battery itself is clean so as to not lose any charge over dirt/dust buildup between posts. side post
Requires 4 screws be tightened over the wires.
You could get one of these: