Love RBT vapes, huge collection. Splinter Z daily driver. The stempod/dreamwood are close in functionality but the temp control in the splinter units is much easier to use and more consistent imo.
They’re a literal glass canon of sorts, with amazing functionality but their design leaves them at risk of breaking when dropped. read: not a garage piece. i only feel comfortable using it in carpeted rooms. And i own so many because i think you have to accept that they will break at some point.
splinter Z TCR 160, lock ohms around .400 to .450, 55w 380F
one thing i’ve really noticed lately is functionality is dependent on how clean and clear your basket screen is. hit it with a lighter occasionally to burn off and clean it.
DNA mods were the recommended choice before but i don’t notice a big difference in performance vs price, and having arctic fox or red panda to enable autofire is extremely nice.
the cooling stems work extremely well, but you should learn the technique using a short stem
you can find the basket screens for cheap on amazon, they’re listed as 1/2in. note - there are 2 diff sized baskets being sold as half inch. one fits 18mm stems like stempod tightly and the other fits 19mm stems like RBT tightly. For RBT i have been using -
shameless plug - if anyone has a canary Z they don’t want anymore i need one for my collection :)
So I just got a Tinymight with the small stock stem (oops) and I've been playing around with it this week. While I'll probably upgrade to a different stem (bit hard to find something in Canada), I figured in the meantime I will look into using basket screens since that's mentioned a lot in the sub. Unfortunately I bought rimmed basket screens (double oops) - any comments if these can still be used with the standard small tinymight stem?
Sorry for the late reply! I went into my amazon history and found the listing. You are definitely correct about it being Stanker, not Anker - my bad! Anker is the brand we buy for our phone chargers haha
Pull it out and try for yourself. It rarely combusts on max temp 260 and basically never combusts if you even step it down to 250c/482f (altho depening on the flower's humidity it still occasionally might). Hits hard, can extract an elbow bucket in one big hit. Struggles with bigger loads tho, so just buy one of these sets and have multiple buckets pre-packed.
If you're impatient about the initial heat-up, you can just hit the eq cyclone bowl/ddave mod with a butane torch to speed up the process by a lot.
Thanks! I got them at my local headshop but those look almost identical.
I use rimmed basket screens as a cap on the end of the stem so when I pull out whip nothing spills. Works great!
STANKER Pipe Screens, 1/2 Inch Premium Diameter Stainless Steel Metal Screen with Metal Box
Crystal Pipe Screens, 1/2 Inch Premium Diameter Stainless Steel Mental Screen Filters with Metal Box