I just pulled out a tiled floor in my kitchen last night. I got lucky because they stapled down a 1/4" sheet of plywood and tiled to that as opposed to nailed/screwed down concrete board. All I had to do was get my FuBar under the plywood and all of the tiles popped easily.
The real bitch with tile removal is carrying it all out to the dumpster and the chips/shrapnel. $1 psf is a bargain for the demo price. For a project as big as yours, it's something to seriously consider paying for.
Homemade wrecker bar. Theyd had to have hardened it, like the other cat said, but it's a common demo tool.
If I were expected to describe something like this: https://www.amazon.com/Stanley-FatMax-Xtreme-55-120-FuBar/dp/B000VSSG3O I'd say hammer-like too. I'm not saying this is what it was, I'm just saying that they may not be trying to be vague on purpose.
I don't know how good it is or how much he would use it, but I have this on my Amazon wish list:
Demolition is always the fun part, right? :)
I have a Fubar3 it's bigger. I like to call the one you linked "son of Fubar"
What I love about the Amazon listing is two actual tools that are shown in the similar items section. They're a third of the MSRP and far more practical.
Stanley FatMax Xtreme 55-120 FuBar III
Dead On AN18 18-Inch Annihilator Utility and Wrecking Bar
Honorable mention:
Sometimes you need a little persuasion.
It's not like the State Department has been doing nothing all this time.
Here's Plan B if the other suggestions don't work.
I have no idea what a lawyer would say to me... I keep a Fubar III in my vehicle.
I'd say the huge version of the FATMAX fubar. The thing is a monster! http://www.amazon.com/Stanley-FatMax-Xtreme-55-120-FuBar/dp/B000VSSG3O
This is why I drive a Jeep with steel bumpers and carry one of these: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B000VSSG3O?ref=ppx_pop_mob_ap_share