I would go for something like this
It’s been featured in multiple videos on YouTube channels like Lock Picking Lawyer and Bosnian Bill showing how incredibly tough it is to physically break it with brute force.
And while it’s true that a physical attack is more likely than a picking attack, it’s not something I would bet a U-Haul’s worth of my stuff on by using a Master Lock that could be opened in under a minute with an unskilled raking attack or comb pick. That Stanley lock isn’t “high security” by any means, but it does the job of being incredibly hard to brute force into while being more difficult to pick than your average padlock. I have one and I’d absolutely trust it to lock something overnight in a parking lot. And it’s a common enough brand that you could probably find it at a hardware store.
This is the lock you're referring to right?
> https://www.amazon.com/Stanley-Hardware-2-Hardened-Security-Shackle/dp/B001V5IYWE
Yes. That's the one.