This is just plain wrong. I actually have DVDs from a limited release they did (I think in 08) of the original Theatrical versions. People act like they straight don't exist but they are just very rare. But you can bet if those DVDs exist then Lucalfilm/Disney has digital copies somewhere
In case someone doesn't believe me, here is it listed on Amazon:
They released a dvd set of the OG trilogy that has 6 disks, 3 are the "enhanced" ones and 3 are what I'm pretty sure are the original ones. So unless I'm mistaken, there are copies left that aren't VHS or whatnot.
Here's a link to that specific version (which costs a ton now) where the top review mentions that it does contain the original versions:
*Edit: What's sketchy is that the amazon listing merges several box sets together, and only the blue one with Luke & Vader clashing is the one that contains the OG versions.
Yes, I got that one a few years back, this is the link:
Holy moly it's gotten expensive! Hopefully there are places you can get it cheaper than $180
I have been on the periphery of this very heated online discussion over the years around bringing back the original movies. I'm a bit confused though, is it just a question of bringing them to blu-ray? I have owned this set for a long time and I thought their selling point was the theatrical versions. Is there a different version than that people are excited about?
You would have to buy it. This DVD set is the one to get
I have it, excellent set. It comes with both the original editions, and the 2008 updates.
> He went back to the original trilogy and "special editioned" them and made those the only ones available on DVD and Bluray
To be fair they did release this edition on DVD (it's a laserdisk rip IIRC): (I bought it in 2009 for 22 bucks )
There are theatrical release versions on DVD. They include 2 discs of each movie, the 1st special edition and the "Han Shoots First" Theatrical editions.
The special edition of the original trilogy on dvd from 2008 includes the laser disc versions on the second disk. They are stereo only has they didn't even bother to convert the ac3 track:(
Lucas did release the theatrical versions on DVD. Here's a box set that contains both versions, but I remember getting the single DVDs from Wal*mart for a lot cheaper.
Release order.
If you can get your hands on a theatrical release, do it. You can poke around online to find the "despecialized editions" that fans have put together or you can purchase this:
Both of those options might be more trouble than they are worth.
Star Wars Trilogy (Widescreen Theatrical Edition)
The 2008 DVD release has the original theatrical releases in the set.
Only about $300 USD for the original theatrical wide-screen version DVD set:
Depends on which box set you have, this one is going for 400
and this one only 25
Of course, these are just a few sellers. If you want to get a range of estimates, find what year your boxset is from, and search it on ebay. Will give you a good range estimate.
DVD or VHS is your only legitimate option.
The 2008 version of the DVDs is the original theatrical release:
Unfortunately, it's expensive...
This is the prequel box set. It includes all of the remastered versions, and the theatrical ones too.
Are you talking about this set ?
To expand on this a bit, the 2006 dvds are what you would want if you can find them. They look like this, though as you may notice they are now out of print. Its the closest that you'll find to the originals from an official release. I would definitely not recommend the blu rays, they have visual issues and the changes really affect anyone's ability to take it seriously. ("NOOOOoo!", etc.)
Where do you get the original version in HD?
Edit: I was under the impression that the originals were only available on VHS, but I was mistaken. Here is a link to the DVD set that includes the 100% as seen in theaters on release day editions.