I just want to put a counter datapoint out there that my 23mm aspheric is not a good eyepiece. Stars are noticeably less sharp than any of my other equivalent FL eyepieces, and there are serious contrast problems when looking at the Moon. Not all surfaces appear to be fully multi-coated so there is noticeable ghosting and reflections.
I also recently bought this eye cup version to see if they were any better and the 23mm is straight-up defective. Only the center 10 degrees is sharp and outside that area the stars are lines that are a mile long. When holding the eyepiece under a light, it's clear there is a central "bump" in the eyepiece that does not match the rest of the curve. It was literally manufactured wrong.
The 10mm and 4mm are about the same as the Svbony branded ones. 10mm is soft compared to my 9.6mm Meade Series 3000 Plossl and barlowed 20mm Meade Series 4000 Plossl. 4mm of course is infamous for being chromatic aberration city.
People need to be very, very, very, very careful when buying these aspherics as there appear to be two different versions, and one is a disaster.
This is one of many reasons I recommend people stay away from these eyepieces. When I bought the first Svbony set, it was for $22 for all three eyepieces. That's a little over $7/eyepiece. Good value for the money but still below a quality threshold I would recommend for anyone.