Ok so here it is I ordered 1 12U open server rack from Amazon a couple weeks ago. First package never showed up so Amazon said it probably got lost in shipping and they'd send me another one. Second one was supposed to be delivered yesterday but got a notice saying it couldn't be delivered (don't blame em) and I'd have to go pick it up from the local Post Office.
Show up this morning and the guy says I hope you have a truck and tells me to drive around to the loading dock. I was confused but went along with it thinking it was just heavy (40-50lbs rack). I go back and he is sitting there with a pallet. I realize what happened at that moment. After we load em up he asks when I'm coming back for the other pallet? Apparently the 1st order was there also. Told him to return the other pallet to sender.
Checked my Amazon order and confirmed the quantity was 1 and I was also only charged for 1 (about $210). Should I contact Amazon about this or just keep quiet and see what happens? We're talking about $2300 worth of server racks here.
edit: Don't bother asking for one at this point, I've got a long list of people messaging me for a chance to get one. First come first serve. There's not enough to go around any more. Merry Christmas.
edit edit: UPDATE! So I reached out to Amazon's customer support, they said I could keep the extras and assured me I wouldn't be charged. I made it very clear that I wanted to do the right thing and would return them, if it could be arranged, since I didn't pay for all these but they said don't worry about it. Took screenshots as proof. I'll probably get my Amazon account removed.... I'm still going to wait a month or so before distributing any to friends, family, and my fellow lucky redditors.
Used this for a couple of builds for small clients. $207 with prime. StarTech.com 12U Open Frame Server Rack - 4 Post Adjustable Depth (22" to 40") Network Equipment Rack w/ Casters/ Levelers/ Cable Management (4POSTRACK12U),Black https://www.amazon.com/dp/B00P1RJ9LS/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_glt_fabc_D04RSJVEA320AK487P27
Yeah my plan is to get something like this, but I only have 1 rack mount case. Shelves are easy enough to buy but I want to be able to have a clean looking front so I can keep wires clean and standard.
It’s a StarTech 12U rack. See here:
StarTech.com 12U 19" Open Frame Server Rack - 4 Post Adjustable Depth 22-40" Mobile - Free Standing Rolling Network/Computer Equipment Data Rack- Dell https://www.amazon.com/dp/B00P1RJ9LS/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_apip_ZL5re2muB4tzU
I've been using this rack for a bit, 12U, wheels, and super solid.
You could look into the started adjustable racks, they make them in 12u, 25u, 42u. You can adjust the depth on them as well
StarTech.com 12U 19" Open Frame Server Rack https://www.amazon.com/dp/B00P1RJ9LS/ref=cm_sw_r_apan_i_1X7P18WBF4NBK69907PH?_encoding=UTF8&psc=1
They go on sale every once and a while. I got a 25 u tickets 30% off a few months ago
Yeah, I've been debating this guy. It's gone down in price about $15 since I last checked. I figured if I don't get anything on this post, I might go ahead and buy that
I bought this https://www.amazon.com/StarTech-com-Open-Frame-Server-Rack/dp/B00P1RJ9LS/ref=mp_s_a_1_1_sspa?adgrpid=55870295677&dchild=1&gclid=Cj0KCQjwse-DBhC7ARIsAI8YcWI7LpkV5bAEeRa2n1luQ4zFMqM9aS4LirEr3K-lXgvzB6ZfXEuvR8MaAkNaEALw_wcB&hvadid=4099226... no idea what a 400lb rack would look like
Take a look at the open frame 4 post racks from StarTech. Adjustable depth, all steel frame that is bolted together. Really sturdy, and simple enough to assemble.
I have the 18u model, but here is one that is 12u.
StarTech makes a 12u rack...
StarTech.com 12U Open Frame Server Rack - 4 Post Adjustable Depth (22" to 40") Network Equipment Rack w/ Casters/ Levelers/ Cable Management (4POSTRACK12U),Black https://www.amazon.com/dp/B00P1RJ9LS/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_glt_fabc_SXKSNKGRMPP74KNKS3FM?_encoding=UTF8&psc=1
The other option would probably be a wall mount rack as you pointed out.
What about this? I have the 25U.
StarTech.com 12U Open Frame Server Rack - 4 Post Adjustable Depth (22" to 40") Network Equipment Rack w/ Casters/ Levelers/ Cable Management (4POSTRACK12U),Black https://www.amazon.com/dp/B00P1RJ9LS/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_glc_fabc_PTQ-FbM3YHCD3
One last thing; a little bit more and you can buy the kind you adjust the depth.
StarTech.com 12U Open Frame Server Rack - 4 Post Adjustable Depth (22" to 40") Network Equipment Rack w/ Casters/ Levelers/ Cable Management (4POSTRACK12U),Black https://www.amazon.com/dp/B00P1RJ9LS/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_glc_fabc_RO04FbH20MV4Y?_encoding=UTF8&psc=1
I think it’s this listing on Amazon. StarTech.com 12U Open Frame Server Rack - 4 Post Adjustable Depth (22" to 40") Network Equipment Rack w/ Casters/ Levelers/ Cable Management (4POSTRACK12U),Black https://www.amazon.com/dp/B00P1RJ9LS/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_i_YPXUEbC6YCAA2
One I bought: https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B00P1RJ9LS/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_asin_title_o00_s00?ie=UTF8&psc=1
I haven't opened them yet, but I don't think 1 rack came in 12 boxes.
I guess I should contact Amazon just so I don't see 11 more orders of this on my credit card...but I can't pay to ship all these back if they ask for them.
I have this from Startech. It's adjustable and not too heavy.
Just from a quick search, I think something like this could work if you're OK with the open frame rack. It is adjustable and rated for a high weight load for if you end up putting more machines in it.
I've got a StarTech.com 12U open frame rack. On the one hand I don't have to worry about an enclosed rack getting super hot, but on the other hand I have to manage the airflow in that room well so the hot air doesn't pool near the rack.
Well, here's the StarTech rack although not 6U, which is comparable and I've actually used it before. It was a pain to setup because the instructions and labeling were terrible plus there were incorrect numbers of screws and extras that we didn't need. The casters don't work well and with the addition of a Tripp-Lite PDU it's still more expensive.
I'm not in the business of shilling for Ubiquiti but every product I've used so far from them has been outstanding in terms of build quality. Their EdgeMax, AirMax, Unifi, and accessories have proven to be high quality while not going overboard.
This'll run ya a bit more than your budget but I can attest to it's reliability and quality.
I bought the 42U rack from Newegg for maybe $250-300 (give or take) and it has done wonders for me for the last couple years. It's adjustable width so it can fit anything you throw in it and works perfectly for holding all my equipment. Check my post history for pics.
For R710 you need mounting depth of approximately 28-29 inches.
Startech 12U sounds like what you need. Or if you plan on expanding your homelab significantly you might want to order a 25U.
Thanks, I've been eyeing this rack, https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B00P1RJ9LS/ref=ox_sc_act_title_2?smid=ATVPDKIKX0DER&psc=1
I've been waiting for a deal to come up on the used market for a nice closed rack or cheaper open rack before purchasing a rack new.
Not the cheapest ever as is new but I have the following rack at home. Really happy with it and it was delivered straight to the house https://www.amazon.co.uk/StarTech-com-Adjustable-Casters-Levelers-Management/dp/B00P1RJ9LS/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1519208441&sr=8-1&keywords=startech+rack
I was tempted to use metal frame for the build but i wouldnt have a clue when it comes to metal work but if you can do it, go for it! or get a good kit: My mate just bought this :https://www.amazon.co.uk/StarTech-com-Adjustable-Casters-Levelers-Management/dp/B00P1RJ9LS/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1511427208&sr=8-1&keywords=startech+12u
Its expensive but super adjustable.
Um, yes they do. I have one. It's made by StarTech, an adjustable open rack.
I have both their 12U and 25U models and can vouch for their quality.
If you just want a small install can use the same device I have for mine, which is an adjustable one. I can only attest to the 12U, not certain if the larger ones have as good a 'feel' to them for stability. I don't see why they wouldn't though as long as they're made from the same material and assembled properly.
You should probably be looking at 1000mm racks, not 800mm ones if you're not already. My experience thus far is however long your cases are gonna be, go the next depth up in racks.
I haven't figure out what I want for a rack yet... I don't plan on needing alot of space, probably a UPS, managed switch and possibly some used cisco stuff to study for CCNA. I was thinking maybe a 12u rack on wheels. What terms do I need to lookup to see if this R510 will mount on something like this
check your local craigslist equivalent, otherwise you're looking at the startech open racks off amazon. http://www.amazon.com/StarTech-com-Adjustable-Levelers-Management-4POSTRACK12U/dp/B00P1RJ9LS/ref=sr_1_4?s=electronics&ie=UTF8&qid=1451066647&sr=1-4&keywords=4+post+rack
StarTech.com 12U Open Frame Server Rack - Adjustable Depth - 4-Post Data Rack - w/ Casters/Levelers/Cable Management Hooks (4POSTRACK12U) https://www.amazon.com/dp/B00P1RJ9LS/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_i_DoMTCb9DXNQTC
StarTech.com 12U Open Frame Server Rack - 4 Post Adjustable Depth (22" to 40") Network Equipment Rack w/ Casters/ Levelers/ Cable Management (4POSTRACK12U) https://www.amazon.com/dp/B00P1RJ9LS/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_apa_i_DspaEb3EXDRHR
It's a StarTech 12U rack. On Amazon
If you're okay with open racks, you could check the Startech 12U one, I have the 25U one and it's good quality IMO. Here is the amazon page; https://www.amazon.co.uk/StarTech-com-Adjustable-Depth-Server-Cabinet/dp/B00P1RJ9LS/ref=sr_1_5?keywords=startech%2Brack&qid=1553636746&s=gateway&sr=8-5&th=1
Startech has a great 12u chassis that I currently use.
For the time, money and hackering you're going to invest on this, assuming you have or can buy the rails for your server better get a 12U rack like this and you're done.
Or you can buy these and mount them to hold the server at the very bottom of your rack, just beware it might tip off at somepoint if there's too much tinkering on it.
That rack you linked too at amazon is only 17 inches deep... the dell r710 has a mounting depth of about 30" if I remember correctly... so it wouldn't really fit in that rack, in fact, more than half of it would be out of the rack! A rack like that is more well suited for smaller things like switches and the like.
a rack that would work that's in that price range is something like this although it's completely open.
Also, I don't know what's so appealing about the server you posted on ebay, but you can find some that you'll find just as useful for much much less money I don't know where you're located (other than you're in canada based on your links) but you might be able to find a used rack for much less.
now to answer your question more directly yeah, you get a rack. then you have rails that connect to the rack and the server, that's what lets you pull servers in and out (usually) like these guys which are rails for an r710
Your rack will not come with rails. each server typically will use different rails (there are universal ones though, but they aren't as nice) sometimes your server will come with rails however! basically, the rails will clip in, or screw into the rack, then it the server will sit on, clip on, or screw onto the rails. you can see here, the rails holding up these servers and allowing you to nicely slide the servers in and out of the rack for serving or whatever
I bought this. Its depth is adjustable.
Thanks! And here you go!
StarTech.com 12U Open Frame... https://www.amazon.com/dp/B00P1RJ9LS?ref=ppx_pop_mob_ap_share
You are mixing terminology so I'm not sure what you are asking. I think you are asking about a rack to put the equipment in?
I wrote a bunch for the Wikipedia article on racks, no point retyping all that here, lol.
Probably the cheapest new rack I know of is the 12U open frame from StarTech. This ships in a small box and you screw it together like flat-pack furniture from Ikea.
Huge racks can be found on eBay used, but the shipping will probably be expensive.
A chassis is what a motherboard is installed into, also what we generically call a computer case. There are many different kinds. The most important question is if the screw holes between the circuit board and the case line up. The most common standard of the last 20 years is ATX.
Servers and blades tend to each be their own weird thing due to trying to cram lots of functionality into a very small space. The components in [blade] servers often can not be swapped generically between different brands, and in many cases not even between different models of the same brand.
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Bought two, turns out I only need one. New in box, happy to part with for 160.
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Check out the ones that StarTech makes. A 12U one like this one would probobly have pleanty of room for a 4U server, a PDU, a shelf, and a few other things. Depending on how much space you need, there is also an 8U version. A note: check out a few different resellers. For example, the 12U one is significantly cheaper in Amazon for me, so also check out some resellers. For getting rid of the one you have, you could try r/homelabsales
How much are you looking to spend? I got one with casters brand new for like 200...
Item | Current | Lowest | Reviews |
StarTech.com 12U Open Frame Server Rack - 4 Post… | $207.99 | $207.99 | 4.8/5.0 |
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I bought a Mikrotik switch with a few 10Gb ports as a switch (I got the 4 x 10G + 24 port POE version). It was good value and I run SwitchOS for VLANS. I didn't use RouterOS due to performance and I don't need to features.
Instead of buying a router, I have the internet going into a port on a VLAN to a Virtual PFsense/Sophos XG software router / firewall and run all routing and protection on there. It saves me buying a router which i don't really want as I need the Firewall capabilities as well.
10G nic's and DAC's are fairly cheap last time I looked on eBay.
If you just want a cheap rack to hold the gear the StarTech racks are pretty popular in this subreddit.
I'm going to be looking at something like this when I eventually rack my mess.
Thank you, the best part is its entirely fanless + rack mountable. I have it all racked in a StarTech 12u rack and use a coupler patch panel to try and keep it tidy. Next project is to replace the extra long fiber LC-LCs with some short DACs.
As for the fiber switch, currently my WAN goes to my RB4011 using standard copper, then using the SFP+ port on the RB4011 I go to the Fiber switch then the fiber switch goes to my Dell R510 Server (which has a fiber pci card) and my gaming PC (also has a fiber pci card) as well as the CSS326 copper switch.
Not pictured (its behind the fiber switch) is the PoE switch. Its really there just for testing new PoE gear.
Hope this helps!
I have a Dell r510 with a 10gb fiber card installed that is connected to the fiber switch as well as my gaming PC. So those two devices use the fiber switch
I have this rack set a 22" in depth specifically this one the nas itself is about 20" in depth
I'm about to install a Tripp Lite rack A/C for cooling and vent through the A/C return for my R730xd 18x HDDs. Want to buy a 12U rack, while I upgrade to a 15U?
Venting a Server Closet (The Right Way)
I have this one. I found mine used but I think the new price is worth it. Its really solid.
StarTech.com 12U Open Frame Server Rack - 4 Post Adjustable Depth (22" to 40") Network Equipment Rack w/ Casters/ Levelers/ Cable Management (4POSTRACK12U),Black https://smile.amazon.com/dp/B00P1RJ9LS/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_glt_fabc_SERQMSJA86RQCVB9BKQK
Startech has multiple small rack on wheel that you might look into.
Also check homelab sales and your local website for buying used stuff
Star tech 12U open rack is $215 USD at amazon
It’s $196 on amazon. link
Here you go: https://www.amazon.co.uk/dp/B00P1RJ9LS/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_i_zPcmDb3AQEHPF
I bought mine from ebuyer for £200, but amazon is the same price.
Amazon Rack 4 post, Comes in a flat pack and worth every $ent ! https://www.amazon.com/StarTech-com-Open-Frame-Server-Rack/dp/B00P1RJ9LS/ref=sxin_3_ac_d_pm?ac_md=4-0-VW5kZXIgJDMwMA%3D%3D-ac_d_pm&keywords=Server+rack&pd_rd_i=B00P1RJ9LS&pd_rd_r=c9575c95-0ec3-4981-8fe7-62c414e7fbc5&pd_rd_w=T51LV&pd_rd_wg=01wPv&pf_rd_p=24d053a8-30a1-4822-a2ff-4d1ab2b984fc&pf_rd_r=D1EJ7W126SPPQ742TCYF&psc=1&qid=1572889682
at that size you are very limited.
At your price range you are looking for the Startech 12u
And it looks like you get a black friday deal at Amazon
$60 or PM to negotiate. Was new Aug 2018.
Mine isn't disguised, but it is dual-purpose. I have a 12U StarTech rack onto which I've attached a 24"x30" table top with wood screws. This allows me to place my TV and other things on top.
If I were doing a 6 GPU system, I'd just go with something like a Supermicro barebones GPU server, or something like this: https://www.asus.com/us/Commercial-Servers-Workstations/ESC8000-G4/ that's designed for that sort of thing. I believe Gigabyte is releasing blower style 3090s so they dump most of the heat out the back of the case. Then I would absolutely lower the power limit on the cards to try to find the sweet spot of efficiency (you should be able to lower the power usage to 250- 300W per card while only taking a 5-10% performance penalty.
Then just get a Startech 12u cage and rackmount it in a different room, or use colocation (remember, when you're using that much power you need to consider HVAC as well): https://www.amazon.com/StarTech-com-Open-Frame-Server-Rack/dp/B00P1RJ9LS/ref=sr_1_3?dchild=1&keywords=startech+12u&qid=1601056327&sr=8-3
This is the 12U version of what I have. Much shorter, but still adjustable. No shelf though.
This one can mount to the wall or have wheels to roll. It's lockable and enclosed with front and side doors for access, but also has good air flow. No idea what your needs are but it'll wall mount or roll AND because it's enclosed, the bottom of it is basically a shelf.
Although I agree that the 6U rack from Ubiquiti is a bit too expensive, the TUFFIOM 6U has a shallower depth ( 17" deep measuring the outside of the rack and supports equipment upto 11.7" deep). This rack cannot fit a Unifi 48 port POE switch, which measures 15.73" deep. And would just barely fit a UDM Pro (11.24"), or Unifi 24 port Pro POE switch (11.24").
The 6U rack from Ubiquiti has adjustable depth from 21.5" to 29.5". This rack, if adjusted to 29.5", is capable of supporting a rack mount server such as the Dell R520.
Monoprice has a similar 6U rack which isn't adjustable and is about 35.5" deep for $250 and it doesn't include a power strip. https://www.monoprice.com/product?p_id=10655&gclid=CjwKCAjwrvv3BRAJEiwAhwOdM5i7aI_ulLMipsHdMZ2-djXUdnMC8_isxEB6B44AjnmGEF0r4RT5JxoCFewQAvD_BwE
Startech makes a 12U adjustable rack, which is a bit deeper and is currently going for $216 on Amazon. https://www.amazon.com/StarTech-com-Open-Frame-Server-Rack/dp/B00P1RJ9LS?source=ps-sl-shoppingads-lpcontext&psc=1
The Startech one seems to be the best price per U, while the Ubiquiti rack offers pretty good value compared to the Monoprice 6U. However, if you're not planning on putting in deeper equipment and have a need to move the equipment, then the Unifi 6U mini rack is definitely not the right choice.
Not sure you can get a better deal than the StarTech 12U from Amazon. I’ve done a couple for clients in small offices and they are pretty easy to put together and very solid.
Sute, it's a StarTech 12U Open Frame Server Rack. Priced around $205 as of February 2020, but the price fluctuates a bit on Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B00P1RJ9LS
I second u/Hotschmoe... I upgraded my home network last year and went all Unifi (USG + Switch + Cloud Key 2 + AP). It's pretty straight forward to setup and it's mostly done over GUI (vs CLI). Unifi gear also has enough features that you can do some more complicated things... though I am sure it's no where near as feature rich as some of the more Enterprise level gear. All in all, pretty happy with it.
As for the rack... I bought a Startech model from Amazon ( https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B00P1RJ9LS/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_search_asin_title?ie=UTF8&psc=1 ). Nothing fancy but it's solid and it gets the job done.
Depends on what link they click and what scripts are allowed on the page. If you're blocking Facebook and google tracking but you click the link OP pasted above, it's still a tracking link. Ex https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B00P1RJ9LS/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_asin_title_o00_s00?ie=UTF8&psc=1
Is actually https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B00P1RJ9LS/
Anything for amazon after ''ref'' is just for tracking purposes.
/u/stilettoblade is correct. Neither the R610, nor the R710 would fit in this rack.
I measured the spare rails I have for an R610ii, the mount size is listed below. Too lazy to pull out one of the R710's to check those rails, but the R610ii physical server is 2in longer than the R710; so I'd think the rail mount depth would be similar if not exactly the same.
R610ii rails:
p/n: R144J
27.25in - 30.25in
These are the two racks I've found; similar in Usize that would fit these servers. I'm also looking to down grade my rack size, so if anyone has any suggestions for a 12-18U open rack on casters that is at least 27in deep; lets hear it.
*edit forgot the links. ha
www.amazon.com/dp/B00P1RJ9LS/ is the link without OPs referral code.
I bought it off of eBay about 2 years ago, but they don't sell them anymore.
The closest thing available is this one from Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/StarTech-com-Adjustable-Levelers-Management-4POSTRACK12U/dp/B00P1RJ9LS/
This might be better for a full post, if so, I can fill out the post and will make one.
For server building, what all exactly do I need? From what I have seen so far, this is what I need:
Is there anything else I need? Would the components I listed all above work well for a media server?
For the components inside of each rackmount, what do I need to look for? If I am not doing transcoding and the server is just for serving large media files, do I need anything more than a cheap CPU (say a Ryzen 3)? What about RAM? should 8GB each be enough, or should I look to get more? For the PSU, is there sometype of calculator I can use to figure out how big of one I will need based on a full rack mount with all of the storage HDDs in it?
I had hoped to find a cheaper one, but this one sure is sturdy! (I did find cheaper options, but none with square holes for some reason)
Startech has a 12U open rack on Amazon that would probably work. here is the link to it.
Nah, anything but. Adjustable depth, but definitely not something I'd call custom.
I have this one and it's great. Easy to setup, very solid & sturdy.
It's an adjustable StarTech 12U rack. Bought it on Amazon for around $212.
Looks like it's gotten cheaper since then: http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B00P1RJ9LS?psc=1&redirect=true&ref_=oh_aui_detailpage_o05_s00