Call me crazy but I get the same feeling reading <em>Stasi: The Untold Story Of The East German Secret Police</em> and <em>The History of the Stasi: East Germany's Secret Police, 1945-1990</em> that I do reading <em>Inquisition</em> and <em>The Faithful Executioner: Life and Death, Honor and Shame in the Turbulent Sixteenth Century</em> - the enemies of any system will always decry, and often exaggerate the methods used to protect it, and that in the face of human nature, society needs a sword and shield.
Skimming this thread is an education in itself. Where were all you people before this? I don't see these paranoid war mongers, Israel lackeys or climate change deniers around, but FFS, where was eveyrone that thinks like you fucking six months ago? I was at the C-51 protests. I fully intend to die in the prison camps they will build soon. Don't think that will happen? Well, you didn't think C-51 will happen, either. This is the logical climax of this legislation. Where do we suppose this legislation came from? If, as you very rightly point out, it does not come from Canadian values, then where did this legislation come from?
Further reading:
American Stasi Spy Tells His Story
Go Inside East Germany’s Stasi Archives
Stasi: The Untold Story Of The East German Secret Police
Stasi police kept East Germans in fear for 40 years
East German secret police files highlight role of ex-Nazis in post-war Germany