And the perfect guy for the mosad to leverage. He was greedy, Jewish (not at all implying that being Jewish is intrinsically related to being greedy, Epstein just was in particular), sought approval and fame, charming and personable, and probably pretty likable, very horny, selfish, and not very intelligent.
A classic stooge for a mosad sex blackmail operation. Who do you think funded the purchase of the island???
State of Terror: How Terrorism...
To test how thoroughly Israel manipulates the American public, go to Amazon and type in the title of this book. It disappeared a while back. You have to do a Google search to find the product. Israel is a master at controlling public perception. Push this book far back from view so the Americans never know the truth.
State of Terror: How Terrorism Created Modern Israel
Finally someone in this thread mentions the mossad! State sponsored terrorists supported by the US and almost no American knows about them. Israeli cancer!
State of Terror: How Terrorism Created Modern Israel
One can disagree with Livingstone's throwaway remark about Hitler going mad, but he was quite clear about what he meant by the Nazis actually supporting Zionism. Thomas Suarez describes Adolf Eichmann's first visit to Palestine, at the invitation of the Zionist leaders. It was a lot more cordial than his second appearance. Whether or not this Nazi support for Zionism is 'being a Zionist' is a nice point, but it's quite clear what Livingstone was referring to, and he has said so many times since.
> If you apply different standards to different ethnic groups, guess what that makes you.
Yes, but I don't. If you read my comments above, you'll see that they are based on how long ago your ancestors lived in the country, not on your race.
I think the Jerusalem issue is a diversion. But the leftist demand "end the occupation" is not. It means Israel can withdraw to its 1967 borders, and everyone will see this as a great, and final, concession to the ethnically-cleansed Arabs. But that would effectively say "the war of 1967 was unjust, but the ethnic cleansing, rape and murder of 1948 was justified".
Incidentally, I always recommend this book about the foundation of Israel, State of Terror by Thomas Suarez.
What Livingstone needs to do is create a large portfolio of evidence backing up his claim that Zionists collaborated with Nazis. His original claim was based on Lenni Brenner's work. Thomas Suarez's 'State of Terror' produced far more evidence, based on the archives at Kew.
I bet he won't though.
> So after having your family put into concentration camps, you'd want to move back into that community?
I don't know. But whether I did or not, I would have no right to move to a different part of the world, and murder, rape, and ethnically cleanse people who had nothing to do with it.
Zionists terrorised Jews who wanted to stay in Europe, forcing many of them to move to Palestine against their will. The story is incredible, but the documentation proves it. See State of Terror by Thomas Suarez.
Actually it is a terrorist state. I advice you to read State of Terror
I really recommend you to read this, State of Terror:
Agreed. Reactionary sheep following the latest hyperbole from fox or YouTube sensationalists. Liberals can obviously do the same with plenty of issues, but the tendency of American “conservatives” to be victim mentality, fear mongering, fundamentalist apocalypse lovers leads that crowd to be of the doom and gloom blame it on the evil “other” ilk.
And let’s get one thing very very straight. Labeling anything a conspiracy DOES NOT MAKE IT TRUE OR NOT TRUE!!!
We all engage in conspiracies in our everyday lives to get things done collectively (oh no, I said collectively, let the red scare begin 🤣).
And America is always and has been a democratic socialist republic. The United States military is the largest SOCIAL SERVICES organization on earth. We SUBSIDIZE businesses and individuals (the government supports them), we all pay into social security funds for retirees, Medicare, etc., etc. If this was a pure democracy, businesses would fail and that debt would follow those people until death if not longer. No bankruptcies, no breaks for anyone. Ever.
And the right/left garbage is constructed so that’s WE THE PEOPLE FIGHT CULTURE WARS WHILE THE CLASS STRUGGLE GETS IGNORED!!
This is and always has been a system FOR THE RICH. Slaves and the murder of indigenous people and the robbery of this lands natural resources by the wealthy is what built this country. We need to recognize that and change our course.
Your television is subsidized, engineered, and controlled by foreign entities that do not have America’s best interest in mind. And lastly, but mist importantly, this country is controlled in almost every aspect by people loyal only to their own wealth and to the illegal state of Israel. All of our unnecessary wars, military invasions and occupations and 24/7 exercises overseas, wasting TRILLIONS of tax dollars and costing millions of innocent lives are invented, produced, orchestrated, and carried out from within by Zionists that control everything you watch, hear, and read in the United States and their devotion is to a preposterous messianic prophecy regarding the state of Israel and their next messiah that they say will rule the world and “all nations will bow to his authority”.
Ever wonder why Israel can actively continue to colonize and steal land every day and murder indigenous people in Palestine or maintain a nuclear Arsenal and not be in treaty organizations or why we never hear Israel’s war crimes in Yemen discussed on American television???
State of Terror: How Terrorism...
Israel is founded on antisemitic terrorism.
Mostly against Arabs, but even against dissident Jews, in the early days.
Am I the only one realizing that this whole WEF/Schwab/Harari thing is comprised of Israelis.
Is anyone paying any attention to the fact that Israel controls America from the inside? Has anyone here even seen these books or read either of them? I own both of them and they’re terrifying to read as an American.
Zionists are controlling everything you see, hear, and read. And yes that includes everything about trump, Biden, the economy, Ukraine, etc.
Does anyone here even understand the messianic prophecy of the Zionists. That one day a man will emerge from the newly created state of Israel and will grow to become the leader of the entire world!?! In the Talmud it says plainly that “all nations will bow to his authority willingly”.
Stop getting caught up in the television/internet/radio propaganda drama that has all of you disparaging each other as Americans. You’re being led down a path to self destruction and you don’t even realize it because you’re pride and ego and addiction to the dopamine hit from television and digital shock media.
Epstein, 9/11, Ukraine, Trump, Biden, Hollywood, banking, etc., etc.
This is not about the Jewish people or diaspora. Most aren’t even aware of the megalomania of the Zionist cartel.
This is about a fanatical sect of pseudo Jews that do not represent the whole in their ambition and designs to rule the world in order to usher in the age of their “Meshiac”.
Read the simple facts about Israel and the Israel lobby in America. And about how the modern state of Israel was established through terrorism and bigotry and apartheid. Their goal to erase Arabs from the region. This is all fact!
But since Americans are thoroughly hypnotized by television, radio, and digital media, we’re fighting ourselves right into their hands. STOP THINKING YOU ARE REPRESENTED BY A ‘SIDE’ IN AMERICAN POLITICS!!!
That’s exactly what the plan is
Put America first by looking in the mirror and letting go of prejudices and cultural or religious differences. It’s the only way we will survive the Zionist plan. Stop worrying about who is gay or who is an atheist or who is black or brown etc. You have become their puppets.
State of Terror: How Terrorism Created Modern Israel
The Israel Lobby and U.S. Foreign Policy
Dude. Gtfo with this fantasy shit until you do your research. Epstein and Maxwell worked for the Israeli intelligence service, the mosad. The mosad is notorious for using sex/blackmail scenes to indict world leaders in order that they always vote in favor of Zionist Israel’s agenda. Israel controls the United States from the inside. Here are just a few things to read to educate yourself. This isn’t even a question anymore. You’re either completely ignorant about the whole thing or you’re planting ridiculously unfounded rumors on purpose.
State of Terror: How Terrorism Created Modern Israel
Israel Lobby and U.S. Foreign Policy
Robert Maxwell, Israel's Superspy: The Life and Murder of a Media Mogul
Zionists believe that all non Jews (goyim) are less than human, therefore, using children in pedophile blackmail operations don’t bother them one bit.
It’s glaringly obvious that the Zionist owned American media supports all of this…
Ever see a television show or Hollywood movie about the murder, torture, and genocide directed at the people of Palestine? Or about the millions of European Jews brought into Palestine to displace the indigenous Palestinians?
Israel pulls the strings in American politics. Parties don’t matter. We exist only to further their insane prophecy about their next messiah emerging from the new state of Israel and eventually ruling the world.
I couldn’t make this shit up if I tried….
State of Terror: How Terrorism Created Modern Israel
Israel Lobby and U.S. Foreign Policy
This is how the mosad operates. Blackmail is historically a favorite tool of theirs. Read for yourself….
State of Terror: How Terrorism Created Modern Israel
Leave Jones out of it and stick to the facts. Maxwell and Epstein worked with the mosad to blackmail politicians. Epstein got the young pussy he wanted, Maxwell got the fame and power she craved, and the mosad got their blackmail material to keep world leaders in their pocket. This was a classic mosad operation. They have access to every aspect of American government and society, they killed Epstein. Don’t believe me? Read about them….
Aside from the book, I have personal experience with them operating in San Diego after a friend of mine was prosecuted by the FBI for restoring internet to Gaza after the Israeli intelligence services disconnected it so the world wouldn’t see them bombing civilians with fighter jets. #opfreepalestine
State of Terror: How Terrorism Created Modern Israel
Quick note, Amazon buries this book. Even when you search for “State of Terror”, literally the title, it won’t come up in your search. Have to enter ‘state of Terror Israel’, not the title!
If you still don’t believe me, continue reading about Israel controlling the United States from within….
Israel Lobby and U.S. Foreign Policy
Fucking disgusting
"Ask Reddit" debunked
> the work of Thomas Suarez, grounded in the extensive British Palestine archives at Kew, recently released:
> First, Israel was, itself, a response to WWII (and prior) anti-semetism, which I don't think can be denied.
Zionism is not a response to anti-semitism. On the contrary, Zionists agreed with anti-semites that Jews and "Aryans" could not live together in the same country, and sometimes collaborated with the Nazis. The explicit racism of the early Zionists is shocking to us today. Initially, I got this information from Lenni Brenner's "Zionism in the Age of the Dictators" (PDF). So did veteran leftist and anti-fascist Ken Livingstone. He was suspended from the Labour Party for simply repeating Brenner's research.
Do you know in what year Adolf Eichmann first visited Palestine? He got a more cordial welcome from Zionists than on his 2nd visit!
Here's a Zionist response to Livingstone and Brenner.
One can argue with Brenner. But the issue was settled last year with the publication of Thomas Suarez's "State of Terror". This provides overwhelming evidence, mostly from recently-released British archives, on Nazi-Zionist collaboration, Zionist terrorism, including against Jews who didn't support them, and much else.
> Correct me if I'm wrong here, but I don't see the "Does North Korea / China / Saudi Arabia have a right to exist?" debates.
No, and you don't see "does Israel have a right to exist" debates either, but the UK government is still considering making one side of this debate illegal. The reason for concern about Israel in the western countries is the same as the concern about apartheid in South Africa - when it existed. Western countries are closely tied to these other countries, so it's their responsibility to pressure them to abandon racism. It's also in their interests. They did this to Rhodesia and South Africa, but for some reason, they don't do it to Israel. The western countries are not responsible for what goes on in China. They do put a lot of pressure on North Korea. It's interesting that you mentioned Saudi Arabia, which America sucks up to almost as much as it does Israel. I think the main reason is that the Saudis are fighting the Iranians (by murdering thousands of Yemeni children), and this is in Israel's interest.
> Third, in the local sphere of the middle east, most of the groups which deny Israel's right to exist are, as well as other things, anti-semetic groups. I don't think anyone would argue that ISIS or the Hezbollah are not, by nature, anti-semetic.
ISIS and Hezbollah are very different. I don't know their exact opinions regarding Jews, but since they are religious, I wouldn't be surprised if they also hold irrational opinions on race. However, I'm not concerned about ISIS people having unpleasant opinions. I'm concerned about them running me over with a truck. So I want to see them and al Qaeda destroyed, and the best people to do that are
Saddam Hussein... oh crap, the Ziocons got rid of him
The Syrian government
The Iranian government
Unfortunately, pressure from the Lobby in the US is so great, its foreign policy is guaranteed to promote Sunni terrorism, and fight against the force which is most able to defeat it - Iran and Hezbollah.
> a disproportionate amount of criticism towards Israel in the international sphere, compared to our neighboring states and their attitudes towards human rights etc.
I'm quite aware that Israel's neighbours suck. The death penalty, votes for women, freedom to be gay... the list would take me all day to write. I once travelled from Egypt to Israel, and the contrast was impressive. But this cannot be used to argue against reversing the ethnic cleansing on which Israel depends.
So historical researchers can be prosecuted because someone is offended?
No, Livingstone was referring to the work of Lenni Brenner, 1983. That has been superseded by Thomas Suarez's book of this year, which, mostly using information recently released from the archives at Kew, shows that Nazi/Zionist collaboration was more extensive than Brenner alleged.
Passenger trains joined the Irgun’s targets by 17 August (1936), when it attacked the Jaffa-Jerusalem line with grenades and gunfire at the bridge at Shlush Street in Tel Aviv, causing (as the Irgun put it) “great consternation among Jaffa Arabs”. One passenger died on the spot, and others were critically injured. Palestinian beach-goers remained a favoured target for the next decade; the terror gang murdered some in March, 1937, as well as agricultural workers in the Hefer Valley. Irgun bombings of Palestinian cafés are first documented in April 1937 in Haifa, and bombings of Palestinian buses as early as September of that year. Rehavia was hit on 6 March, Yazur on 22 March, Jerusalem on 20 May, with further attacks on 7 July and 20 October. On the 11th of November, the Irgun threw a bomb at a group of Palestinians on Jaffa Street in Jerusalem, “near the garage of the ‘National Bus Co.’,” and that month it attacked cafés in Jerusalem with semi-machine guns and grenades. Palestinian vehicles in the Galilee region were attacked in December, and on the 27th the Irgun opened fire on a Palestinian bus on the Tel Aviv - Jerusalem Road.[89] After “two sacks containing bombs were found on the Iraq Petroleum Company’s workers’ train from Haifa”, the British reported on 11 April 1938, a Palestinian sergeant removed the canvas sacks from the train and placed them in the Company’s terminal site, where they exploded, killing two people and seriously wounding a third. As police rushed to the scene from Haifa, news came of a similar sack discovered on another train in the vicinity. That carriage was evacuated and uncoupled, and a bomb expert was summoned. Before he arrived, a sergeant and two constables ignored (or were unaware of) warnings not to risk entering the carriage and, hoping to protect the train, threw the sack out the window. It exploded, killing two of them. The British appear not immediately to have known the origin of the bombs, until the Irgun took credit for placing the “clock mines” on the trains carrying Palestinian workers. Four more people were killed that day by Irgun bombs near Kiriat Haim.[90] The Irgun attacked what it called “mob rioters” (?) on 17 April, and four days later tried to blow up a Palestinian bus, but the grenade failed to explode. “Reprisals against groups of Arabs” followed on 17 May in Jerusalem and on the Hebron-Jerusalem Road. More “mob rioters” were attacked on 23 May, this time in the Tel Aviv area, and that day there were attacks against Palestinians in Haifa in response, however illogically, to the British trials of three Irgun members. The Arab market in Jaffa was hit with explosives on 26 June, and on the fourth of July five more Palestinians were killed and twenty wounded in an Irgun attack on the Arab quarters (what the Irgun referred to as “concentrations of Arabs”) in Jerusalem. The Irgun attacked Palestinian buses in the Ramle area on 5 July.[91] What happened on 6 July (1938) was the urgent topic when the British ship HMS Repulse anchored in Haifa Bay two days later. The District Commissioner came aboard and explained the situation on shore: A large bomb had been thrown on Wednesday afternoon [6 July] in the Arab market, and had exploded causing a large number of casualties, and these had increased to about 120 before order was restored.[92] As reported in Falastin, the terrorists had slipped up to the roof of a shop in the entrance to the bazaar market near the Aloon market and threw a bomb on a crowd of Arabs and it exploded with a terrible noise near the shop of the Jewish money changer who was killed with his son ... the sight of [the many victims] was harrowing, this one moaning, that one in pain.[93] The attack, the British report said, “must almost certainly have been committed by Jews of the Revisionist party”. It was indeed the Irgun, whose records cite both this and a similar bombing “in the Old City of Jerusalem” that day. On 7 July Irgun militants from Kfar Saba took up positions on the Tel Aviv - Haifa highway “to attack Arab traffic”, but they hit Indian visitors from Tanzania instead, mistaking them for ‘Arabs’.[94] After a bomb “tore apart a bus filled with Arab countryfolk” (as the NY Times reported it) by the Jaffa Gate on 8 July, killing four Palestinians immediately and wounding thirty-six, the British took four Jews into custody for the crime, among them the alleged bomb-thrower—a twelve-year-old schoolgirl. The blast was so strong that it shattered a nearby vegetable market. The Irgun, taking responsibility, boasted that the bombing had caused “great consternation in Arab quarters”. For the British, it was an early indication of the Zionists’ radicalisation of children.[95] To prevent further attacks, the British assigned a platoon to safeguard each of Haifa’s five police districts and imposed a curfew—yet the Irgun pulled off an even deadlier terror attack on 15 July. Disguised as an Arab porter, the bomber placed a booby-trapped “cucumber can” in the middle of Haifa’s Arab market, killing “scores” of Palestinians and wounding many. In Jerusalem three days after that attack, another bombing by Jewish militants killed eleven Palestinians and seriously wounded three. In Haifa, “just when the situation in the town seemed to be getting back completely to normal”, a captain in the Royal Navy reported on 25 July, Zionist terrorists threw a bomb into the (Arab) melon market, the same as the 6 July attack. The time chosen—six o’clock in the morning—ensured maximum civilian casualties. The bomb “did a terrible amount of damage, causing the death of 45 Arabs, wounding 45 others, and killing 3 horses and 9 donkeys”. Early morning food shoppers might have thought the situation was safe, since “no more public place could have been chosen”, situated by Kingsway, the Seamen’s Institute, the headquarters of the landing parties, “and within easy sight of the Central Police Station”.[96] The next day (26th), one of the Irgun’s most venerated ‘martyrs’, Jacob Rass (Yaacov Raz or Ras), tried to deposit “a particularly loathsome time-bomb in the Old City of Jerusalem”, as British records put it. Dressed as an Arab, Rass hid the device in a barrow of vegetables and was wheeling it into the market when suspicious onlookers exposed the bomb and handed him over to the British. According to the Irgun, he committed suicide to avoid revealing secrets under torture. ‘Arab deaths’ were the goal of the militia, which inhabited an imagined Biblical ‘Israel’ that had never ended: it extolled Rass and its other fallen who had “saved the honour of Israel [this still a decade before the state that adopted the name] more than once during years and enlarged the number of Arab deaths in Jerusalem, Haifa and other parts of the country”. To encourage what it called “right-thinking Jews” in the murder of Arabs, the Irgun exploited Biblical passages, such as the Old Testament’s account of Moses.[97]
[89] A British War Cabinet Report dated January, 1940, cites an incident of October 5, 1939, in which 43 armed and uniformed Irgun were caught, and a large cache of weapons and explosives discovered in a nearby settlement, as Britain’s first confirmation of the Irgun as a specific organization; This may have made it bureaucratically official, but British records well before this date cite the Irgun by name and as responsible for terror attacks; TNA, CAB 67/4/17; Kister, Irgun, 246.
[90] TNA, CO 733/370/11, especially Dispatch No. 383 Reference No. K/50/38; Kister, Irgun, 249; NYT, 12 Apr 1938.
[91] Kister, Irgun, 251; Pedahzur & Weinberg, Religious Fundamentalism, 100-101; By 1939, more than 60 terror attacks against Palestinian civilians are known. Hoffman, Anonymous, records the April 21 attempted bus attack and claims that the bombers intended to blow up a bus whose passengers included certain ‘Arabs’ who, the bombers claimed, were responsible for an attack against Jews. Even if the claim of guilty Palestinians on that bus were correct, and even if one forgets the majority of the victims would have been innocent passengers, Hoffman’s position is untenable, as the bombers then targeted a different bus after failing to hit the first. (k1736 etc); Bell, 42.
[92] TNA, ADM 116/3690, No. 191/9862; see also beginning (unnumbered) pages.
[93] Falastin, 7 July 1938, in Palestine Chronicle.
[94] TNA, ADM 116/3690, No. 191/9862; see also beginning (unnumbered) pages.
[95] NYT, 9 July 1938; Kister, Irgun, 251 (which cites an attack at the Jaffa Gate at 10 July, but this is presumably a misdating for July 8).
[96] TNA, ADM 116/3690, SECRET. H.M.S. “REPULSE” at Haifa, 3oth July, 1938. For Tel Aviv attack, Hoffman, Anonymous, k1896, cites a bombing in Tel Aviv on 23 July 1938 in which twenty-three Jews were injured.
[97] TNA, KV 5/34, 10AB; Bell, Terror, 42-43; Kister, Irgun, 252.
For more info consult this book.
> More that anyone buying into the whole Israel = ethnic cleansing thing loses credibility, rather than simply someone who takes an interest in the Israel/Palestine conflict.
I'm reading the recent book State of Terror by Thomas Suarez. It's the most comprehensive description of the mass murder, rape, terrorism, extortion, propaganda, ethnic lobbying and ethnic cleansing by which the state of Israel was created I've ever read.
Using mostly documents from the British archives at Kew, the United Nations, and numerous honest admissions from sadistic Zionist murderers and rapists, Suarez shows how
terrorism was instrumental in ethnically cleansing Palestine of non-Jews
men, women and children were murdered en masse,
rape was a weapon of war
children were frequently murdered in front of their parents
there were terrorist attacks by Zionists in Europe
Jews who disagreed with Zionism were often murdered
Suarez's work also adds to Lenni Brenner's "Zionism in the Age of the Dictators", which Ken Livingstone cited, leading to his suspension from the Labour Party, showing that Zionist cooperation with the Nazis was more extensive than I'd realised. Or to put it another way, Nazi collaboration with the Zionists. Why do we always assume white supremacy is worse than Jewish supremacy?
More later.
> Zionism was a reaction to antisemitism, not the cause of it
I didn't say Zionism was the cause of anti-semitism. My history isn't bad
> even by your standards Rod
either. It's Lenni Brenner's and Thomas Suarez's, from numerous Zionist documents and the British archives at Kew.
Incidentally, the relationship between Jews and Tsarism is a bit more complex than the story we are all told of innocents surrounded by bigotry, but I don't have time to go into it right now.
There is no doubt that there is Anti-Semitism, or at least harsh Anti-Zionism in the Arab world.
But do Jewish attacks and Israeli attacks and Israeli gang attacks and Israeli sponsored terrorism ever make the news? No.
Israel is a modern state created by use of terrorist attacks.
Not to mention it is the world's leader in Cyber Terrorism also.
There is also the highly curious case of ISIS, a global terrorist organization which carried out attacks in Sri Lanka, France, UK, etc but never even touches Israel, one time even apologizing to Israel, and seems to only support the zionist cause ��
I thought Palestine dosent exist neither do Palestinians so what changed? Israeli apologists and there mental gymnastics. It’s kind of Ironic you call Palestine a terrorist state when Israel was literally founded by terrorism.