neat, thanks for posting
Which Fiamm part number/numbers?
I had a Stebel Nautilus horn (pretty much identical to this: on my 2007 DL1000. It was on there when I got the bike so I don't know how the stock horn sounded, but the Stebel was LOUD. It pulled enough watts that I could put the battery into discharge if I stayed on the horn.
I haven't opened up the fairing on my 2019 DL650 yet, but I suspect there is not enough room inside even for the "compact" Stebel Nautilus. 2019 fairing is a slimmer design compared to the 2007 DL1000.
I live in NYC and was constantly fighting jay walkers not paying attention. I installed one and it was a game changer as far as alerting people go. Well; not so much alerting; more like scaring the shit out of. I highly recommend it. I bought a mini nautilus and installing it was a total pain in the neck. Had to do some customization, fabricating and bending a steel bracket it could mount to under the front grill. I have a 300 though so I’m not sure if that’s the same size beneath the front grill as your model
Stebel Nautilus Compact Motorcycle Air Horn - Loud - Black
For the less dedicated but still intrigued. I put this air horn wired to a 2nd switch. Not nearly as impactful but easy to do.
Stebel Nautilus Compact Motorcycle Air Horn - Loud - Black
That's why I replaced mine with an airhorn.
$29 on Amazon! Probably me Too.