Damn this situation is like pretty confusing/frustrating for me. Is there a cheap USB DAC that you can recommend or anything of that sort. I am kind of losing my mind over looking at the options. Ideally I don't want to spend over $125 pre-taxes. Stuff on Amazon would be great since I have prime and that would help a lot.
I was also just considering getting these to avoid the headache for now https://www.amazon.ca/SteelSeries-Siberia-Illumination-Headphone-Surround/dp/B06XRDXB56/ref=sr_1_9?ie=UTF8&qid=1529361317&sr=8-9&keywords=siberia even though they are refurbished and probably prone to breaking easily.
The SteelSeries Siberia 150 is my favorite. Super comfortable, the mic isn't on some stupid boom but rather on the left ear cup and still works great and they have RGB lighting rings on the ear cups. For $30 I don't think there is a better headset. The Logitech ones feel cheap and for the quality and features this set offers, you really can't beat it.