I learned from a book with pictures because I am an old (this one in particular: https://www.amazon.com/Stitch-n-Bitch-Knitters-Handbook/dp/0761128182/ref=nodl_). Even now when I’m trying out a new concept, I often find it easier to learn from text + pics instead of a video. Keep at it!
I think I found it on Amazon! I'll first see if one of my local shops have it before grabbing it from there. Thanks for the suggestion! And great tip re: thrift stores / estate sales.
Totally learned from scratch using Stitch 'n Bitch by Deb Stoller. Funny, easy to comprehend, and some great FIRST projects. You have to learn and be comfortable with the stitches before you can make successful FOs.
I learned pretty much entirely on YouTube. A helpful book is Stitch 'n Bitch by Debbie Stoller. Knitting really is just a combination of basic stitches. And the whole learning process as well as the act of knitting is so satisfying and rewarding. Every time you finish a row, or a pattern repeat, you've accomplished something. When you finish a whole garment, it's even more rewarding. You can knit for your friends-- endless gifting opportunities! When I moved to the Midwest and didn't know a single soul, knitting was a great solace. I'd knit hats for my friends back home and it made me feel connected to them. It's also something you can pick up and put down at a moment's notice--great for when the baby comes. It's totally worth learning!
Everyone should own a copy of "Stitch n Bitch!" amazon link
I hope so! Going to be a tad iffy on getting the chocolate melted since we've only got a microwave at our disposal, but we'll figure something out.
Ugh. Haven't had any that bad, but had one yesterday because of having to pay an overdue electric bill. Got the money out of the bank fine, but just thinking about having to go over to the one place PPL will do in-store payments through... Forget it. And I'm not big on having to make calls, either, or cold-FB messaging places that I need to if I want to get the interviews set up for the YT channel series I want to do.
Holy balls. Mom's mom had one and used it to make a couple sweaters for her that she still has and wants me to handknit replicas of. If I can get most of the stash either de-stashed or worked up, I need take her up on that.
As for knitting lessons, there's Craftsy, Youtube, and Amazon has a decent selection of books to choose from. I'm partial to either Teach Yourself Visually Knitting or Stitch & Bitch: The Knitter's Handbook by Debbie Stoller. The second has some errata in the patterns from what I've read in the reviews, but I haven't tried knitting the patterns yet.
I found the book Stitch and Bitch by Debbie Stoller helpful, it walks you through the basics with some easy exercises, and she's pretty funny too!
Hello and thank you! As to which of my knitting books that I highly rate, that's easy: Stitch 'n Bitch: The Knitter's Handbook by Debbie Stoller! It was one of my first ever knitting books and the only one that I've held on to all these years (ugh, I feel so old lol). It's funny, well written and, imo, has really good instructions. I can't recommend it highly enough. There was a post about it over on Yarn Trolls not too long ago. Enjoy - and good luck!
Absolutely! I responded to another comment above with tips so I’ll reposted below here :) hope this helps!
Yes absolutely! I started with what seems like a pretty simple version of Fair Isle. Here’s a few tips that helped me. I hope they help you too!!
Stich n Bitch was my book of choice. I taught myself to knit with that and the Knitting Answer Book. I keep the latter on hand in my knitting bag in case I forget how to do something.
Yeah, it definitely is. Barring a teacher though, I recommend taking a look at knittinghelp.com as they have lots of videos and tutorials on all things knitting. The Stitch n' Bitch book also has very good instructions - it's hell to learn from a book, but I know several people who have learned successfully from this one, lots of cute patterns too.
A frugal lesson tip is to try putting up a craigslist ad to trade something you could teach for knitting lessons. For instance, I've put up a few in my day to trade me teaching knitting lessons for Spanish lessons, and it was fun.