As far as I know, this is how I see this.
I think stoicism is useful as a tool to control emotions and tolerate unavoidable stress. Minimalism as a tool to be generally cleaner and spend less resources. I think these two philosophies can be used to be a better catholic. Stoic's do not believe in god, and minimalism is not too deep of a philosophy on thinking about afterlife.
The stoics don't believe there is a god, but a system the universe has and is beyond them to comprehend what god is. So a Catholic stoic can use parts of the philosophy that are useful in controlling oneself, and use the majority of the rest of the time for devotions to god. Participating in the quota a catholic has of going to church on Sundays, and other holidays of obligations and 1 confession a year. One way to look at it is if stoics don't believe in a god, but there is a chance to go to heaven in the afterlife, so they might as well try to enter the kingdom of god since it is spiritually superior. They would not have anything to lose. Seeing it this way is called Neostoicism. Here is a book about neostoicism.
Essentialism is a subcategory of minimalism on improving quality of life.
Not sure about Taoism.