I'm 6 weeks into keto, lost 20 pounds so far, and started SS 2 weeks ago. I was advised to add the exercise by the author of this book when I met him selling "The Breakfast of Champions" at a farmer's market in Alpharetta, GA. (BTW, the breakfast was keto friendly, when served on a plate and not the roll.) While I'm not sure I concur with all of the ideas in the book (he's not a fan of meat at all, among other things), the "exercise" advice did seem sound. I tried C25K, but I hate running. SS has been a bunch of fun. I feel great. One of the pieces of advice I did take from the book was to purchase a scale that can let me measure body fat % and muscle %. Brian (the author), when I told him about the keto diet and losing 10 pounds the first week, was kind of dismissive but the question "what kind of weight did you lose?" resonated with me. I don't want to lose water (or muscle). I want to lose fat, and being a tech geek, I want measurable results. After one week on SS, I saw a .8% drop in body fat and a .4% increase in muscle (and +.2% water). I'll keep measuring, ketoing and lifting. Thanks for the post.