I hear you completely. My main enjoyment exercise wise is walking and now my feet throb after walking 2 miles. I never did a DIY version but I notice significant difference the mornings I wear it, worth the money I think. I have something similar to this and recommend it. I had another that was too complicated but this one is easy https://www.amazon.com/dp/B00JB2UDTQ/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_apa_glt_fabc_EV7GPHTWAPZR92SG9F1G
The night time brace was invaluable to my recovery. I tried everything else on this list & didn't get better until I got to the brace.
Though technically mine is a sock
BFR and Strassburg Socks cured my plantar fasciitis.
I wonder if he could make a Strassburg Sock?
That's a pretty hardcore splint. Were you told to use one like that? If not, the Strassburg sock is probably a lot more comfortable.
Change your shoes? Try picking up some Straussburg socks to wear at night?
The Strassburg sock did wonders for me. No affiliation to the product. http://www.amazon.com/Strassburg-Sock-Regular-Size-Around/dp/B00JB2UDTQ?ie=UTF8&keywords=strausberg%20sock&qid=1459210195&ref_=sr_1_1&sr=8-1
Just to pile onto the advice you've already got, when I get flare-ups of PF, it goes away when I sleep a couple nights with a strassburg sock
Ahh, yes. That is a unique feature of plantar fasciitis. Sleeping in something like this is supposed to help.