> I haven't really experimented enough with clothes or pronouns, still have to try out being referred to as "she" or "her" etc.
On the sub TransTryouts it is possible to try out names and pronouns. And many people use a female name online, and try out female avatars in games etc.
And many start with clothes for wonen in neutral styles, like shirts and trousers. They ma ybe available in second hand places or online. Others usually don't notice and they are much softer than those for guys. Concentrating on it from time to time could make for a feeling of happiness.
And a number of people use boy shorts for women. Here may be an example. They may look close enough to those for guys and they are also much softer.
> I don't understand what you're talking about here,
Here is an example. Boy shorts are available in different leg lengths too, going almost down to the knee for example.
Some people buy on amazon and say its a gift so others don't look. Buying one gift and a few articles for you may be recommendable.
And it may be an idea to get clothes for women in neutral styles, like trousers and shirts. Others usually don't notice but clothes are much softer and concentrating on it from time to time could make for a feeling of happiness.
And a number of people use boy shorts, here may be an example. They may look close enough to those for guys.
Here is a video with with unobtrusive things that could be tried out. Those things could also be used regularly for motivation later. There are also hints there concerning looking for a gender therapist in case.
And here might be a number of hints concerning presentation, starting with neutral styles first. Maybe a few things of those would be applicable.
Additionally here might be a few general hints and resources that could help you too and there are also hints there concerning looking for support. There are also some explaining resources there.
The sub TransAdoption might additionally be a place of support, it is possible to ask for a mentor there, and they also have a discord with numerous channels. And on the subs egg_irl and TransGamers there are also discords and it may be possible to meet a few like minded people there. Talking with a few others about what they did might be helpful too.
Concerning others its up to you when and how to come out ... looking for support and having a backup plan in case may be a good idea.
And sometimes the kind of explanation can play a role with acceptance.
Here might be a number of explaining materials in case.
> is this for real
It may be a good idea to switch from a mental and controlling setup to a setup of accepting what you feel would make you genuinely happy concerning gender, without judgemental thoughts, and to use that as a guide.
Basically the heart should lead the way. A mental process should be there to walk around hurdles, and not to discourage, or to bring up fears and doubts.
Listening to fears and doubst does not make happy. Listening to what the heard feels makes genuinely happy ( without trying to bend it ) does.
And repression can be a trained reaction and it can be untrained.
It may also be a good idea to regularly do a few small things people like concerning gender to help ride through lows. Dysphoria and also euphoria can come in cycles, and it can get stronger over time if it is suppressed.
Don't know if you have seen it ... here might be a number of hints and resources that could help with self acceptance, there is a video there with things that could be used regularly for motivation, and there are also hints there concerning looking for support.
And here might be a number of hints concerning connecting to others, IRL and online.
I'd say keep going.
There are also hints there concerning presentation that could be used. Many start with clothes for women in neutral styles first. If shirts and trousers in neutral styles are used, others may not notice but clothes for women usually are much softer and alone concentrating on it from time to time can make for a feeling of happiness. And many use boy shorts for women, here may be an example. They may be close enough to those for guys but also are much softer.
Concerning others its up to you when and how to come out ... a number of people wait a while until there are some results before they come out widely, and only come out to select people first.
And sometimes the kind of explanation can play a role with acceptance.
There are more and more studies showing its a biological condition, due to development before birth.
Some people compare it to epilepsy, which is along the same lines of brain studies and where especially religious people also presumed all kinds of things. It is possible to read up what people presumed only a few decades ago. Its now accepted its biological.
Here might be a number of explaining materials in case.
Having a look at the sub Transalute may be a good idea.
And it is possible a few things change in the next time.
And basically its up to you .. some people look for a gender therapist who later may help explain to a partner. Other people try to explain first.
A few things from this post might help concerning a partner.
It may be an idea to start with clothes in neutral styles first and to introduce more feminine styles over time, and to try out a few others things in private first. This way she would have time to get used to it and for you there may be some progress.
Some people start with shirts and trousers for women. Others may not notice. They usually are much softer and alone knowing can make for a feeling of happiness.
And some people use boy shorts for women. Here may be an example. They may look close to those for guys and also are made of very soft materials.
And there is also romantic attraction and that may stay.
And here might be a few general hints and resources that could help you too and there are also hints there concerning looking for support.
And having a look at the sub TransLater may also be helpful.
Well apart from binders looking into some kind of tucking for MTF people may also be an option. There are a number of people who sell gaffs on etsy, there is a company called leolines, etc.
Imo what is missing is some kind of in between ... there are gaffs that give a tight tuck which can be unformfortable and some make for a bulge. Having something that is suitable for everyday use and that is similar to boy shorts for women ( here may be an example ) but also have a padded part included may be a solution for some people.
This is a diy version. Using something like boy shorts with a padding like bras may be an idea. It may also be an idea to make some lacey things this way, with some kind of boy short fabrics underneath that give some tucking and a solid construction and a lacy see through part above for a nice look.
Concerning tucking and also binding the colour can also play a big role. Dark colours of clothing make a surface look much smaller and more even.
And having some swimwear with a bit of built in tucking may also be an idea.
<3 You're welcome :)
>I just suddenly stopped having euphoria
As said dysphoria can come in cycles. It may be an idea to do a few small things you like to help ride through lows.
And you could try to concentrate on things you like and that are within reach. Don't concentrate too much on things you don't like, or on things you feel you can't have. Its ok to want to anticipate a few things but overthinking may not be helpful.
Its like a gardener. Don't water the weeds. Water the plants you want to have, and do things that make them grow.
And it may be possible to regularly do a few small things you like for motivation. Here might be a number of things that could be used, regardless of how far along people are.
And a number of things from this post might also be helpful, there are hints there concerning presentation etc. Many start with clothes for women in unobtrusive styles, like shirts and trousers. Others usually don't notice. Clothes for women usually are much softer and concentrating on it from time to time can make for a feeling of happiness. And a number of people use boy shorts for women. Here may be an example. They may look close enough to those for guys but also are much softer.
And in general it may be a good idea to persistently go towards what you feel would make you genuinely happy concerning gender, and trying to avoid extremes. Doing things steadily and step by step may be a good idea. And asking for a gender therapist may also be a good idea. They could help along and help find out what you want.
I'd say keep going :)
Well as said it my be possible to do things step by step.
Here is a video with unobtrusive things that could be tried out. Those things could also be used regularly for motivation later.
And here might be a number of hints concerning presentation, starting with neutral styles first. Maybe a few things of those would be applicable. And a number of people use boy shorts for women. They may look close enough to what guys have. Here may be an example. And many start with clothes for women in neutral styles first, like trousers and shirts. Usually others don't notice but clothes for women are much softer and concentrating on it from time to time can make for a feeling of happiness.
And [here](/r/TransgenderAu) is a sub for people from your place.
Additionally here might be a few hints and resources that could help with self acceptance, and there are also hints there concerning looking for support. Many people do things step by step, and talking a bit with others may be helpful.
I'd say keep going.
Many trans people learned to suppress how they really feel when they grew up because they mayde experiences it would not be accepted. Many also learned that it would be shameful somehow. A lot is conveyed between people without words and they may have picked this up, possibly also from others.
There are more and more studies showing its a biological condition along a spectrum, due to development before birth.
Here might be a number of hints and resources that could help understand this condition.
And here in the middle are hints concerning looking for a gender therapist, and there is also a video there with questions.
There are also explaining resources there including a book on amazon, etc.
It may be an idea to point them to the video and say something like ... look what I have found .. a video if someone might be trans, signal you would be supportive, and see how they react.
And for them not using your underwear it may be an idea to get them boy shorts for women. Here may be an example. And many people start with clothes of the gender they identify with in neutral styles, and introduce more feminine styles over time.
In general looking for a supportive gender therapist eventually who could help along may be a good step.
And here might be a number of hints and resources that could help them too and there are also hints there concerning looking for support.
>I’m not completely sure
Its up to you ofc ... many people don't tuck much but use boy shorts for women ( they are made of very soft fabrics) or swimming bottoms one size smaller. Some use two over another. Don't use too small sizes, and don't use them when they are too tight.
Here might be an example.
This might help too.
The colour can also play a big role. Dark colours of clothing make a surface look much smaller and more even.
And for swimwear some people use boxer like bottoms, or swim skirts. Cis people also use them.
And a few things from here might help with presentation in case.
And here might be a few general hints and resources that could help them too and there are also hints there concerning looking for support.
> clueless
Its a trans spectrum and people can have various levels of social and body dysphoria. And some people have more euphoria.
It may be an idea to try to listen to what you feel would make you genuinely happy concerning gender, and to go there step by step.
Here might be a few hints and resources that could help you too and there are also hints there concerning looking for support.
And here in the middle are hints concerning looking for a gender therapist in case, and there is also a video there with questions and with things that could be tried out and later used regularly for motivation.
The sub TransAdoption might additionally be a place of support, and it is possible to ask for a mentor there. And on the subs egg_irl and TransGamers there are also discords and it may be possible to meet a few like minded people there. Talking with a few others about what they did might be helpful too.
And concerning clothing it may be an idea to get your own. Many start with boy shorts for women, here might be an example. They may look close enough to those for gusy but usually are much softer and alone knowing might make for a feeling of happines. They usually are also available in warehouses for a few Usd. And usually people there don't notice much. Its often presumed people bring them along for someone else.
And for weight many said the sub loseit was helpful.
>in the south
Here might be a number of supportive resources in case.
And sometimes the kind of explanation can play a role with acceptance. Here might be a number of explaining materials and there are also hints there concerning looking for support.
And some people order with a gift card on amazon paid with cash. It may be possible to order some unobtrusive clothes together with it, like shirts or trousers in unobtrusive styles, and then show those. And some people use boy shorts for women. They may look close enough to those for guys but usually are much softer. Here may be an example.
It may be an idea to get your own clothes. Many start with boy shorts for women. They look like those for guys but usually are much softer. They are available online on amazon, here was an example, and also in warehouses etc.
And clothes for women in neutral styles like shirts and trousers should also be available and people may not notice.
As said clothes usually are much softer and concentrating on this softness could make for a feeling of happiness.
In general it may be an idea to try to listen to what you feel would make you genuinely happy concerning gender, and to go there step by step.
Here might be a few hints and resources that could help you too and there are also hints there concerning looking for support.
And here in the middle are hints concerning looking for a gender therapist in case, and there is also a video there with questions and with things that could be tried out and later used regularly for motivation.
And concerning others sometimes the kind of explanation can play a role with acceptance.
Here might be a number of explaining materials.
The sub TransAdoption might additionally be a place of support, it is possible to ask for a mentor there, and they also have a discord with numerous channels. And on the subs egg_irl and TransGamers there are also discords and it may be possible to meet a few like minded people there. Talking with a few others about what they did might be helpful too.