I would borrow a balance bike and see if that works for her. I wish I had put my kiddo on one when he was little. He also doesn't have the best balance.
Something like this. I'd look on CL though.
Get the balance bike.
Strider - 12 Sport Balance Bike, Ages 18 Months to 5 Years https://www.amazon.com/dp/B00IZXBZBM/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_i_zKMfFbXB0JSHB
This is usually everyone’s go to.
Training wheels are bad, mmmmkay? I agree with those here suggesting balance bikes. Once you see a 2 year old zipping along with confidence at speed you'll definitely wish those things had existed when you were little.
Edit: Here's the Strider 12 Sport I just got my nephew.