Succulents don't last long in terrariums. The moisture and humidity make them rot. They thrive with open air and good drainage that allows water to actually leave the dish entirely.
Edit: if you're going to do it anyway I like something like this:
I read both your responses. I'm sorry for not including the proper information in my original post! I am in Zone 10b. I have only north-facing windows so no direct sun. I purchased these Lithops at Armstrong Garden Center. I am an intermediate gardener. I have some succulents. I've been lurking on this sub for about a year (another account I deleted because someone was stalking me).
I searched for your soil on Amazon and came up with this. Is this ok, mixed with a little potting mix and sand? The local garden stores have nothing like this:
Succulent & Cactus Soil Mix - Premium Pre-Mixed Fast Draining Blend (1.25 Dry Quarts)
Thank you for your help.
I have a neon in water, leca, potting mix, and this blend.
The last one is best imo. I have to water more frequently than typical but it grows like crazy and is more forgiving than any of the other mediums.
From the other thread :
Posted a picture after the hair cut! I honestly don’t do much. I leave on a direct east facing window sill, fertilize once every two waterings from spring to late summer, I wait until the leaves look less perky and down to water! I have a mixture of regular cactus soil, grit mixturesoil mixture and perlite!
This is the soil I am using. I saw it recommended in here a few months ago for another aloe plant. Also these roots look the same from when I repotted a few months ago, so truly no growth.
Succulent & Cactus Soil Mix - Premium Pre-Mixed Fast Draining Blend (1.25 Dry Quarts)
I have it just in some boring old planter soil. Should i order this substrate you speak of? like this?
Hi! Thanks so much for the response :)
I'm going to buy some soil online. Does this look okay and do I need to buy anything extra?
The pots do have drainage holes in the bottom! Thank you so much for the tips, I'll write these all down :)
I have to ask though.. I don't know how to re-pot these after I get the new soil. Do I pull all the soil out of the pots > pull the plants out of the soil > put new soil in the pots about 2/3 way filled > place plants > fill up around them > do the watering trick with the tupperware that you suggested? I don't know if I need to cut any dead parts off or what >_>
Hopefully in a month or so I can post an update when they are nice and healthy!
Thank you; this is helpful. I'll rely on the moisture in the soil rather than what the cactus looks like.
BTW, this is the potting mix I used.