Not gonna lie, really enjoyed the video on the Amazon page.
For anyone who doesn't have the option to return, is the trigger something that could be fixed with Sugru?
Sugru is what you want to band-aid it with.
All-Purpose Adhesive, Advanced Silicone Technology - Holds up to 4.4 lb - Black & White 8-Pack - Sugru Moldable Glue - Original Formula
Get some Sugru moldable glue and mold it around the charger port with the cord in it. Let it dry and you're set. Don't use a cheap cord in case it stops working correctly. Amazon
I know it's a bit late but if you have gaps in the adhesive on the curve of the helmet use SUGRU to fill them in, it dries like rubber and its solid af.
First thing we do is fill up the gas tank. Then we go out for lunch. We'll stop by the store and get a few basic groceries, and then I'll do full grocery shopping within a few days. Sometimes my husband stops to get a haircut and shave, while I read a book waiting. Sometimes we go on a mission to find a small item he's looking for. Last time it was Sugru. We drive around, listening to This American Life, discussing the subject they're covering. Paydays are the best days.
Sugru Moldable Glue - Original Formula - Black & White 8-Pack
Garmin 235 DIY charging adapter
You probably have a different charger, but this is what I did with the 235 charger. I ripped out the cable, pried open the adapter that clamps onto the watch, got a micro-usb breakout board, soldered a few cables from the board that was already in the adapter, dremeled out some pesky plastic, and used sugru to bring it back together. This little thing only weighs about 2-3g now and works perfectly with my 6" usb-A to usb-C cable and usb-C to micro-usb adapter. In retrospect I should have gotten a usb C breakout board, but they have a lot more pins so that might have been a more difficult solder job than I'm capable of :P
Try mouldable glue. You mould a small piece into the shape you want, it sticks to the existing wing and then sets. I think different colours are available.
Für den Haushalt Sugru Kann man für alles mögliche benutzten z. B. Ladekabel/Geschirrspülerkörbe reparieren
Klar Seifen Halten ewig, sind anwendbar für Haare, Gesicht und Hände.
Trocknerbälle aus Schafswolle, kein Weichspüler mehr nötig, Trocknervorgang deutlich schneller.
Vakuum Flaschenverschluß praktisch für alle Flaschen, gerade für Wein/Wermut damit er nicht kippt.
Gute Sachen kaufen, die sehr lange halten. z. B.
Garten: Spindelmäher anstatt Benziner. Macht Spaß und ist meist schneller.
use this, Sugru
do not use superglue or anything else, first you might want to fully dissemble the laptop, then file and cut away with craft knife and sand the pieces and use Sugru to fill in the broken pieces you cut away. then put the machine back together.
Sugru is quite awesome, havent used on a laptop myself but if i was in your situation thats what i would do
here is a video of someone using Sugru to fix a laptop
Try amazon smile to donate to charity automatically at no cost to you!
^^^I'm ^^^a ^^^bot ^^^and ^^^this ^^^action ^^^was ^^^preformed ^^^automatically.
Sugru Mouldable Glue. I used it to fix several things around my house including my fiancée's Macbook.
In a pinch, I've been known to use a quarter and some Sugru. Works pretty well until you need a quarter for something.
Sugru is a pretty good adhesive that's flexible. Not quite sure if it would have proper adhesion on that foam though.
I suppose you could mold your own replacement out of Sugru moldable glue
What type of caulk did you use? I was at Home Depot yesterday and almost got some for just this reason, but I've had the impression that Sugru would be easier to work with.
I haven't done a repair like this myself, but from what I've read (see this thread), Sugru seems to have the best reputation for water-resistance and ease of use.
Is this the thing you're talking about?
I wonder if you could use Sugru to mold a new one?
>The pink stuff is a make up sponge that I hear is great for dampening vibrations.
I'm using Sugru on my wing, which also doubles as my custom mounting bracket.
Maybe try some sugru or make some yourself.
you could try the amazon reviews
Recently I've been using this stuff to patch my cables. Seems to keep the fray from spreading too far. Easy to remove as well.
Maybe a job for Sugru?
Edit: link
One option you have is making your own with Sugru. It's kind of like silly putty that sets into rubber.