these work great, i know people that have them JUST for this reason and will move cars to other parking spots, somtimes to other spots far down a lot AND or just out in the middle of the parking lot so they end up getting towed . i have also been told it was the best invenstment they ever made\_1\_4?crid=3UFYGOSFOPDKM&keywords=car+dolly&qid=1649686487&sprefix=car+dolly%2Caps%2C236&sr=8-4
Get a couple of these..I got 4 to push my classic car into a tight garage spot. My private lot is right next to the train station, And when people park illegally and jump on the train, they come back to find their car blocking the street or parked illegally under the train tressle or towed because the car was blocking a thoroughfare.
May I suggest a wheel dolly, or a set of four to move those vehicles whose owners seem to chronically misunderstand common decency or road laws?
> Buy a $500 beater to park in your driveway and use it to push them out of the way.
There are these cool devices called "car dollies" that clamp around somebody's tires that gently lift the car up and allow you to push the car around effortlessly and do not damage the car at all. You can see one example in this video:
The one pictured in the video is $178 on Amazon:
I've never bought these, but at our work office we were near a bunch of retail businesses and had this very bad problem where people thought they could "just park for 15 minutes" in our designated spots. We had several people towed, and I kept eyeing these devices to just do it ourselves. The issue was we needed deliveries, that is what the spots were reserved for, and waiting around an hour for a tow truck was painful sometimes.
Buy some of these and fix it yourself. Or turn their car 90 degrees and let them figure it out