I've actually recently been reading through the Super Powereds series. It's about a college program preparing hopeful Supers to be Heroes. One of the main character's ability is to control luck. He can cause good or bad luck and can somewhat direct the target of it though.
I was going to recommend this series myself. I'd say they're the best books I've read this year.
Their about a group of young adults going through the Hero Certification Program at a college in order to become super heroes. They're incredible books.
If you like media like that, my favorite suggestions are some of Drew Hayes's books, such as the series of five books called Super Powereds ("book 5," Corpies is a spin-off that chronologically takes place after an event in book 2, and finishes before book 3 is over).
The world of the books is one where being a "Hero" is an American civil service position. established around the middle of the 20th century, in the same vein as an EMT or police officer. At limited college campuses, those with special abilities, "Supers," are able to enroll in a training program while also taking "mundane" classes.
The training program runs through a range of classes, some which take place in a traditional classroom, others requiring more sturdy settings. Students learn about the history of Heroes, the ethics involved, how to utilize one's power appropriately in different scenarios, and how to fight. This is done while also maintaining a mundane cover as a regular student, giving them the opportunity to choose after graduating whether they want to publicly be a Hero, or to have the opportunity for privacy when off the job.
Those who become Heroes after graduation are often seen as celebrity figures to some degree or other, with the opportunity for popular Heroes to make a fortune in merchandisers move a great deal of branded product. This is to help encourage those who might be tempted to use their abilities for less than altruistic activities to consider the work (and the base pay is similar to a police officer, so merchandise sales are especially important to a Hero who does not have any special resistance to the wear and tear inflicted by time).
There is a third class of people besides baseline humans and Supers, the Powereds. Through their respective unfortunate circumstances, when these people develop powers, they an inherent ability to control the power. One might be able to identify a set of conditions that the power triggers under (an example from book 1 is >!a gentleman who teleports to unknown, random safe places if he sneezes!<). At best, Powereds are pitied, at worst, they are treated as dangerous freaks.
It was taken for granted that Powereds would always be stuck with the hand life dealt them... until now.
I can recamend
1 of the main chast got the power to controll luck
I enjoyed MHA until I read the Super Powereds series by Drew Hayes and it seemed so bad in comparison.
I'm gonna toss in the Super Powereds book series. I genuinely think it is one the best superhero medias out there.