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Is this the only place I can order the GCN adapter for the WiiU (for Smash)? Amazon has a placeholder date which concerns me. Does anyone know where I can get the controllers at launch so that I can download the game in peace?
Just buy the official Wii U gamecube adapter, plug it into your Windows/Linux machine (Mac requires a separate driver install), and you are good to go. Should plug&play.
Edit: Here it is on amazon.
Edit 2: I'm not familiar with Mayflash's adapter, so I can't speak on that.
The official GCN controller to Wii u/switch is still being sold today and should be purchased over mayflash. Less latency and time for issues using the official one. Plenty of threads talking about issues with mayflash adapter especially when having more than one controller plugged in. The only reason to buy mayflash GCN controller adapter is if you can't get an official one. The Wii u/switch adapter is the same exact thing, just don't try to use the Wii adapter on a Wii u/switch. Here's a Wii u adapter, Super Smash Bros. GameCube Adapter for Wii U
I use raphnets adapters to GCN to use original SNES controllers on my Wii (has GCN ports), Wii u, switch, and PC while utilizing the official adapter. Raphnet adapters have the lowest latency. Raphnet shows on some of his compatibility tables that you can use his adapters with the official Wii u/switch to GCN adaptersto the pc, but not so well with mayflash.
For all GameCube controllers (even the new Switch one), they need the adapter right?
Will this one do? It's more expensive than the regular ones... Prob cause it's Nintendo brand.
I saw one today. It's probably because of Black Friday, but they also aren't abundant regularly. I only ever see one or two at any store
You get still get them on Amazon easily enough though.
>You want to place this adapter inside it? That's possible when you use an internal USB adapter cable like that one. I was thinking of something like this Im thinking of removing the cables at the end(usb) to plug them into a usb on the computer, and simply solder the cables onto the original backside of the front. Im actually not 100% sure that would work, but without trying I would never know.
You could use one of these to make the Gamecube controller work.
If you were interested in picking one up don't pay mind to the price gougers. It will be back down to $19.99 when it comes back in stock.
I'd go for the nintendo brand wii-u adapter, less risk of messing something up with the drivers and whatnot. My mayflash adapter broke and I had to get a new adapter anyways.
> adapter that allows you to use wired Gamecube controllers...I've heard it's hard to find
Amazon has them for $20 or third party ones are selling for ~$15.
concur. Get the adapter, can be found on Amazon for $40. The new gamecube controllers feel great, so don't waste your time trying to find an OG controller.
/u/1-800-948-8488 is correct i bought the mayflash 4 port gb adapter because the offical adapter is less reasonably priced in Canada and the mayflash 4 port works perfectly even in non dolphin games plus it can be used on a wiiU.
not sure the xinput issues you were having can you explain them /u/mantrius?
I found one just earlier this week on Amazon in the US. $19.99 w/free Prime shipping. edit:
Or, if it's a viable option for you, amazon still has it for retail price w/ prime shipping.
There is an official 4-port adapter by Nintendo that allows this same thing AND is natively supported by Dolphin.
It's a little pricey, though I tend not to mess around with 3rd party accessories because they usually fail in some regard.
edit: The other fine option is to use simply use an Xbox 360 (wired/wireless) or wired only Xbox One controller. They both are extremely simple to make work.
Amazon's page says: "Enjoy your favorite titles, including Super Smash Bros. Brawl, with the familiar GameCube controls you know and love", are they lying to me?
Amazon keeps having GameCube adapters go in stock, to grab one you have to have one click buy set up and keep clicking refresh until you get one! Just got the alert from now in stock so hurry up guys!
Do you have VSync off?
Is your monitor responsive?
Are you using the official GameCube Adapter for Wii U or the Mayflash alternative and setting it up correctly? Those are the only adapters with native support.
I just checked, and its kinda pricey
You need an adapter. The official one is hard to get because Smash players buy fuck tonnes of them, but you have other options such as the Mayflash adapter which is cheaper and compatible with PC, but apparently not without issues.
What game do you wanna play, by the way ? 'cause I should warn you that GameCube controllers are not compatible with most games on Wii U. Only Smash and apparently some Virtual Console titles.
This is all I need.
i think he uses this thing, it's like 20 bucks or so elsewhere, ignore the price that's just what it looks like
you need these two things
I had heard of shortages too. Seems like they are around.
Here you go.
I've used 360 controllers without issue. I set up a PS4 controller for my friend yesterday and that also worked without issue. You'll be fine with either one, though the PS4 controller needed DS4Windows running to make it work properly. The 360 will just work with windows.
The best solution, however, is to buy a Super Smash Bros. Gamecube Adapter and a Gamecube controller.
So glad you mentioned this - I had no idea about the GameCube controller adapter, and need it for a VC game (MK64) transferred from my old Wii! Here's an amazon link.
Get the one made by Nintendo dude
To save you a little time, you can go straight to the section on controllers in the faq:
To give you an idea of a specific case, Mario Kart 8 has a flying (gliding, actually) part where you steer with motion control even if you've been using the thumbsticks for steering. I've read people saying that the motion control for MK8 works exactly the same with the Motion Plus as with the classic wiimote, but I don't know for sure.
My guess is that friends are going to prefer to have a pro controller for driving, unless they are already used to tilt control for steering the car. Although, if someone's really good relative to other people, it might be fun to have them handicapped by having to use tilt control to steer.
Also there's a bridge for Smash for the hardcore that want to use GameCube controllers on it. Just to let you know some of the options.
This one shouldn't take 6 months.
Don't want to sound cocky or anything but the ones saying that the official adapter is better are wrong. Like n00b64 said, the mayflash is identical to the official adapter. The mayflash is also cheaper by a couple bucks.
I'd say the first party Nintendo adapter! Its price is a lot cheaper than it was on release, haha.
Official, so this one:
If you connect one of the Official Wii U Gamecube Controller adapters or an equivalent third party adapter to your PC, you can use a real Gamecube controller with Dolphin. The emulator has built-in support for the adapter, so you don't need to mess around with button mappings either. It also supports up to 4 controllers on one adapter if you want multiplayer. I can confirm that Super Mario Sunshine works perfectly with the official adapter.
Does the official one have delay for PC as well? It's the one I have:
As far as controllers go I think most people would be better off buying one of these three adapters:
and real Nintendo branded Gamecube controllers like these: or
The reason I recommend this is because the latest development builds of Dolphin have native controller support built in. This means you can just setup the adapter to work with Dolphin and then plug in your Gamecube controllers and you're ready to go with no additional setup. The controllers auto calibrate just like on a real console and you can even unplug controllers and plug them back in during gameplay and everything will still work. It's works really awesome.
Can someone explain to me why these are so popular? Aren't they on sale right here?
They already have the official Gamecube Wii U adapters.
Super Smash Bros. GameCube Adapter for Wii U
They're selling the gamecube adapter for 22 bucks on canadian amazon: