It will in part depend on what you mean by grad school. If you mean professional school, like med school or dental school, then banks may provide generous lines of credit with decent interest rates. If you mean grad school for a PhD or MSc, then it can get a bit murkier. In general, I'd caution PhD students not to take on debt at all if they can. It's a terrible, terrible life decision. There's even a book on it, which as I recall was a pretty good read.
See what scholarships and grants you can get -- I believe NSF and NIH have a number of programs that pay well enough in USD to get you by in Canada, but it's been a while since I last looked at grad student programs. For many national scholarships you had to apply well before you started your first year.
And back to it being a terrible life choice -- you may be financially better off avoiding grad school and just going into whatever career strikes your fancy from undergrad (or with a 2-year MSc). If you intend on going into academia but you can't do your PhD on scholarships, then you may want to rethink your plan to go into academia. But I mean I'm not sure I would have listened to too many people who tried to talk me out of grad school back when I decided to go, so I understand if this isn't changing your mind :)
there is a great book about this, satirical, comical but also extremely true which saddens me.
I'm in grad school (CS), and I say take the promotion. If you prefer to work long hours, only sleep a few days a week, and better society and improve the universe's body of knowledge, you might want to pick up this book
I mean, Adam Ruben already did:
I recommend this book and this comic for when you are sad.
Nice, now keep this in mind.
Edit: downvoters, did you even bother to read what the book is about? Its about making the best of grad school and preparing yourself. Numb-nuts.
You probably don't have $10, but if you did, you should probably buy this book