There is a good psych book you should read that goes into these type of dulsional theories that are for the most part post modern pop culture theories that have taken root in our minds. It is based off of one of the more recognised versions of these types of theories, The Truman Show delusion.
Here is a link, there is a great audible version available as well. (Promise I'm not paid by Amazon)
The reason I bring it up is because things like this are more so continuation of film and pop culture debate as opposed to actual theory and conspiracy.
Similar we have films like Fight Club and American Beauty that really play into that line of tearing apart/over analysing society and trying to see the cracks inherent and see the real truth/red pill in things.
Another film I recently rewatched that reminds me of this is Dark City.
I think my point goes to the fact that you haven't really established any actual arguments in regard to proving your theory, rather it seems to me that you are trying to put the to side by side and force a connection.
Not saying your theory is wrong or whatever, in terms of actual evidence I see scant here. This seems like bandwagoning and head cannon level stuff tbh.
There is so much to discuss and unpack in 2001, and it feels like to me you have to basically ignore most of what is actually happening to try and make your version work. Guess that's my vaguely nice way of saying I don't agree at all with you. But if you have some more actual analysis to back up what you're saying I'd be interested in hearing it.