The front ports only put out around 100mA, far less than most flash drives require. There are some drives that work ok at first and then cease to work after a random amount of time will stop working. This is due to the power requirements changing as the drive gets full and/or ages. We've seen lots of it on the MMC discord. OTG is the way to go, and I recommend this OTG hub.
:D, now we're talking
yeah, people use OTG adapters or hubs to use more storage, something like this that goes on the back of the mini in the micro usb port.
if you're just adding a bunch of games to your mini, and have no desire to add a USB storage, there is no need to use my script. you can just create a folder "childhood games" and put them games in there.
my script is only for those with many roms. like I have 4000 roms, sorted by console and genre in hundreds of folders. With my script I added additional collection folders, like Childhood games/Castlevania/Contra/Disney/mario/my ass, where I place shortcuts of the games stored in my console/genre folders. so my Castlevania collections consists of all NES/SNES/GB/GBA/GBC Castelvania games and so on.
I fixed it by using slot 1. I'm now working through cleaning up the files in my original bleemsync folders. They were all named by the game not disc ID and did not have ini files.
How do I handle multidisc just name them DiscID - Disc 1?
I am currently using the Inateck OTG but I've heard that one is no longer really recommended. I switched it up and ordered this one.
This one is working swimmingly:
Refund that came and just get this hub
Get this one
The inatek adapter the other person suggested is hit and miss since the manufacturer changed some components in the build, so you might end up getting one that does not work with the snes.
For otg I can recommend this one
It gives you a few extra ports if needed.
I don't know what some others peoples comments are smoking, but the SNESc handles PS1 games like a champ.
All you need is the PS1 BIOS files, a good OTG device and a fast read speed USB Drive.
I use the SUYAMA OTG Adapter.
i thought its pretty solid. But it seems all OTG Adapter have some quality problems.
I'm using this OTG adaptor with this flash drive and mine also restarts when going hard:
I added this fan since I thought it was an overheating issue:
It restarts less often but still does when I'm really stressing it. I ordered this power supply today based on the other response in this thread:
So I'm here to +1 your issue and hope someone has our solution.
update: i ended up ordering a 64gb usb flash drive and this adapter:
i now have a variety of roms and emulators(cores) on the system, runs great.
Here you go. Again, I'd only suggest trying this if a return isn't an option.
fastboot + AB images:
Note: If the device is successfully put into fastboot mode then in the Device Manager on windows you'll see a "yocto" entry. You'll need to install drivers for the device to be recognized by the fastboot command. Clockwork mod has appropriate entries in its driver, but installing it can be finicky since it's not a signed driver.
If all is well you can format a USB drive as fat32/exfat/ntfs, name it SONY, and extract the AutoBleem or Eris mod from it to boot your console to either play stock or added games with controllers plugged into the back.
Just use an otg hub like this
Instead of using a usb hub, use a otg hub like this one
And make sure to use a decent power adapter, with at least 5V 2A output.
Sure. You can plug in a wall-powered USB hub straight into the front port, but if you've already installed a custom kernel (eris/autobleem) then you'd be much better off getting an OTG hub so you don't have to have two power bricks.
He'd need an OTG adapter or hub. Something like this
How does suyama below compare to the botain?
I know the sumuya has a disclaimer that it doesn’t support This OTG HUB Adapter does not support “Fast Charger”(Voltage>5V or Current>2A),otherwise the OTG HUB Adapter will heat up and burn out. That concerns me a bit since I want to use a 5v/4amp or 5v/2.5amp at a minimum. The botain below doesn’t have this disclaimer and comes with a Charging cable
I like the generic otg posted above but can it handle 5v/4amp? Also what are the switches 1,2,3 on the side? I can’t find this model on amazon though
There are other otg adapters such as this one that I think I would try (I do not own it) and you would need to get a usb microsd reader separately to use with it. It would also at least use an existing standard microusb cable to power it as well, which the Inateck does not do. (barrel plug that may be hard to find)
If you have an Inateck adapter then it is pretty easy to pry it open with your hands around the sd card slot. The little lip near the wire is annoying as it will hug on the case and is either taped or glued on, but whether it comes off or snaps it isn't that noticeable imo that it was ever tampered with. The diode will be obvious as it is a black looking chip inside near the power plug, if it is there.
The Suyama one mentioned above is what I use and it works perfectly:
Those octopus adapters are shit, you're better of getting something like this
4 USB ports, solid quality, they will do.
This is what they recommend at their discord. Looks solid, I'd go with that