I've spent the last 7 months using a 4.5 inch F/8 Newtonian. You will get good views of the Moon, spot 2 red bands on Jupiter, and make out the Cassini Division in Saturn's rings on a good night of seeing. Maximum useful magnification is roughly 200x, but 160x is usually the highest on nights of average seeing conditions. I have 0 experience with constructing telescopes so there is not much I can provide regarding the mirrors and focuser.
However, for the eyepieces, the 23mm will give you 40x, 10 will provide 90x, and the 4 will provide 225x. Out of all of these, your 4mm will be useless as it will always go beyond your scope's maximum useful magnification, leading to blurry images. I would also recommend purchasing a 2x barlow along with a 15mm eyepiece, which should cover 40x, 60x, 80x, 90x, 120x, and 180x.