Reflector telescopes like yours need to be collimated. This is basically just aligning the mirrors with a laser so that they produce a sharper image. This is particularly important if the telescope has been jostled, but you should do it every now and then anyways. I have this one and it works great:\_1\_1?gclid=Cj0KCQjwz7uRBhDRARIsAFqjulmLBx70-kOnRVkY5N7szqtA24ctn-wHQNUdrw4SMnphnI0eQ5ulniwaAhWqEALw\_wcB&hvadid=229979842689&hvdev=c&hvlocphy=...
No expert here either but I got this one off Amazon and haven't had any issues, works just fine.
SVBONY Red Laser Collimator for Newtonian Reflector Telescope Alignment 1.25 inches 7 Bright Levels Triple Cemented Lens with 2 inches Adapter
Do the more expensive ones align things better? Maybe.
I'm just not sure how noticeable it would be.
Lol I’m a tanker in the u.s army. Only reason I mention that is because we collimate the fuck out of things. Same principle. Have to make sure our device is aligned properly in order to align our gun and sights properly had some great feedback on this
This is extremely cool. Not sure how you collimated but you can pick up a cheap laser collimator which may provide better results. I bought the $30 one from Amazon similar to this and for visual it would work fine.
Buy laser collimator like this:
SVBONY Red Laser Collimator for...
And replace 3 collimating screws for secondary mirror with m4 x 30 thumbscrews like this:
uxcell M4 x 30mm Male Thread...
Makes collimation a 2 minute affair.
This link will help explain it - basically, the mirrors can get jostled out of alignment and it can negatively impact the image. I just got my first telescope a few days ago and had to collimate it slightly - it's a little trial by error but that guide is very helpful.
But you will need a collimation tool - I used this one and it was painless and inexpensive. I also needed a set of Allen wrenches/hex keys to make the adjustments but your scope might be different.
Nice. I about to order this collimater myself. I'm borrowing a friends collimater for the time being.
What 2x barlow do you plan on getting?