I did an in person class from Microsoft (they actually sent people to train us) and then another online 8 months later. Both were nice for familiarization... but they really taught from a "perfect world" perspective, which didn't really help me out that much while I was in the process of taking over / learning in a production environment. The single greatest learning resource I can recommend is the Unleashed series of books on SCCM 2012. It will help you figure out what each log file does and where to find it, and give you information you literally will not find anywhere else. It is a TREMENDOUSLY valuable reference that you seriously need to have available to you while you are on the job. There's a vanilla 2012 book and a R2 companion book. I would recommend getting both if you can afford them.
System Center 2012 Configuration Manager (SCCM) Unleashed https://www.amazon.de/dp/B008LW61JI/ref=cm_sw_r_oth_api_njjxAbDX7YBYA