I have a pull up bar https://www.amazon.com/dp/B08K7RKJKD?ref=ppx_pop_mob_ap_share squat rack (that also has a lower hold for weights over my bench) pully system (ceiling anchor, multiple 'handles') resistance bands and a couple bars (long woth twist on ends and short barbell). I only have enough plates for 132lbs so I maxed out of weights on my deadlifts and switched to single leg Romanian deadlifts. I also do single leg weighted hip thrusts and Bulgarian split squats. I love my bosu ball and try straps for abs. Oh and I have a cheaper reformer.
https://www.amazon.com/syzythoy-Multifunctional-Training-Equipment-Supports/dp/B08K7RKJKD/ref=mp_s_a_1_31?keywords=pull+up+bar&qid=1642935827&sr=8-31 it was way cheaper when I bought it tho