I have a (nice) set of terminal extractors for various automotive connectors that I spent a few hundred bucks on. 98% of the time I just end up using a t-pin instead, lol. Works better than the purpose made tool most of the time, and I don't have to search for the right terminal tool every time I work on a different connector.
Forget glue, it’s a PITA to remove and smells bad, if you’re only hanging 1” foam, go to a fabric store and get some t-pins. You only need 2-4 per panel and they leave barely any marks to fill when you remove.
It was found with a bunch of office type of supplies and some sewing pins. To me it's very similar to t-pins(here's a link just in case), but the points are seemingly stubbier making me doubt it might not be for poking into corkboard.
They are called T Pins or Quilters Pins
EDIT: I should say that I have heard them called quilters pins, but a google search for quilters pins returns these further down the page than i would expect if they were commonly called that.
Looks like these, yeah. That's nice. I wonder if those will work as well with the hex panels I have, here:
I guess I'd be worried you could see the pin since its silver, but I bet there are black/grey T-pins as well.
I used Cheap T pins from my local Walmart. Something similar to these
T-Pins, #24, Box Of 100 https://www.amazon.com/dp/B00006ICXV/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_i_aJOGFbSKBADY8
You can get these for 3$ at Walmart
You can find them at hobby or fabric shops. They leave almost no mark. Use a small hammer to tap them in.