I believe I have looked at the SG videos in the past, but I went by the description on the website. As I wrote, video instruction is not the way to go for someone who seriously desires to pursue a tailoring career. You need to have someone experienced watching you.
As for the books, I know both and own the first edition of men's Cabrera and the women's tailoring Cabrera and disagree that the women's tailoring book you suggest is as good or as appropriate for men's bespoke as Cabrera. There is no perfect book, but to start, if I could buy only one book, I'd buy Cabrera and maybe this one, because it has excellent photos. I'm not saying the other book is bad, just that it wouldn't be my first choice.
I've taken classes with older tailors from Italy who started training after school when they were kids. I've made skirts, trousers, and jackets with fine hand tailoring methods. The recommendations I made are solid.