I actually have one that's essentially the same thing. Used it a couple times but I'm not sure if I used it on my new wheels, since I'm worried it would scratch them up. I do have a set of wheel woolies that haven't gotten much use yet though, just tough fitting things between the wheel and the brake shield when there's like 1 inch of clearance haha
https://www.amazon.com/TAKAVU-Detailing-Bristle-Multipurpose-Motorcycles/dp/B071VRJRKK/ref=mp_s_a_1_2_sspa?crid=ZAEW9LVGBDXH&keywords=takavu+wheel+brush&qid=1651287755&sprefix=takavu+wheel+brush%2Caps%2C351&sr=8-2-spons&psc=1&a... Just have to be careful the reviews say the little rubber end pops off sometimes. It came with a replacement.
I wouldn't say it wouldn't work well, but more like if I could do a better job with microfiber towel, then I would not need the paint brush. Plus paint brushes point one direction parallel to your arm. You want something like this for the wheels.
Just have to be careful. Reviews say the rubber tip comes off and can scratch the wheels.
TAKAVU Master Wheel Brush - $13.99
Beautiful rims. This helps to keep the inside of those babies clean.