I'm extremely grateful for this now-not-so-little place on the internet where I can come to waffle about words. About three years ago, I decided that I wanted to write some things, being a pretentious youth, poetry seemed about the right way to go. Now through years of the kind people of this sub telling me that i'm doing everything wrong, I've finally gotten to the point at which I can be satisfied in the knowledge that I can create something legible (occasionally). Which is a big step for some one with sweet sod-all in the way of education. Maybe next I'll create something good, then just one great thing, like a one-hit-wonder from the 70's.
It's the criticism and encouragement that I've received here, that has kindled my interest in writing and gotten me to the point at which I have been able to amuse and entertain others (and occasionally make them weep). Without this sub I wouldn't have had the confidence to keep a blog about cycling across eastern Europe on a shoe-string budget and raise more than £500 for charity, I wouldn't have gotten some of my poems on a little online publication, managed to get a short article in a local free magazine (which coincidentally flopped shortly after) or be at the point now, where there's a possibility that I could be paid for writing content (if they think it's good enough). I'm not trying to parade my minor achievements, simply point that they are a bi-product of involving myself in this helpful and creative environment.
All in all, i'm very thankful for all you nice people.
(i'm also very happy about port and stilton)
If I had a book, i'd send it to you. All I can offer is some vague feedback, in my usual style, to any one who wants it. I'm also usually a moderately agreeable person to talk to if anyone would like to send me a message about poems and things, I can offer my amateur opinion and this bonus photo of some mountains.
And the last thing,
I've been reading Ted Hughe's Tales from Ovid. It's great, all the word-tasty decapitation and metamorphoses that any one could ever want. Here it is on that wonderful shit-heap, Amazon.
There was also a fabulous collection of Roald dahl's adult short stories, Down and out in Paris and London, Alan Moore's Writing for comics, as well as the Doors of perception, that have all made me very happy this year.
I also read the Odyssey four times, and i'm still not bored.