Oh nice. I’m actually super particular about my brushes only because I have this awful habit when I paint of needing to be extremely close to the model and so I need a brush to compensate. (I’m the same way when I draw, my Ma has made fun of me for it for years cause she said I look like someone trying to paint with dying vision, even though mine is perfect 20/20)
So while people swear by the Windsor & Newton Series 7 brush as the sort or “industry standard” for taking your painting to the next level, and if you can splurge on the almost $20 per brush price tag, they are a great brush, I personally swear by the Tamiya Pro II Series Ultra Fine as my go to brush from Amazon. Outside of Amazon, I will forever sing the praises of Artis Opus & their incredible line of brushes which for me specifically is the M series of tiny detail oriented brushes, and their D series dry brushes. They’re just incredibly crafted brushes and worth the price of admissioni if you’re going to be painting a lot and then want consistency.
HOWEVER!!! I’ll also be the first to admit that I suffer from “I’d be a much better X if I only had Y” which is never the case because people like Sam Lenz paint Golden Daemon winning, incredible models with cheap hobby story $5 brushes. But for some reason I constantly am looking for that next “shortcut to talent” that I swear is hidden just behind that $60 custom horse stitched brush or $100+ set of Kickstarter brushes made from experimentally sourced Guatemalan Bee Hair… Haha.
But I’d love to see some of your work! Link some when you get a chance, if you don’t mind sharing of course.