No, it is a buffalo bar. Buffalo bar was the "bow bar" for ages until Duffin made one with more of a curve and called it a duffalo.
I have this one...
which is an ironmind clone (the one WSBB uses). And is like 1/4 the cost of the Duffalo lol.
I personally didn't see the need for the extra curve of a Duffalo. Buffalo takes the stress off my shoulder/elbow/wrists (especially with bands) while still mimicking a straight bar 98%. I don't think i'd be able to bench with a Duffalo either... buffalo is about all my shoulders can handle there.
I don't have a buffalo bar, but the TDS one on Amazon is $200 with free shipping and has some good, thorough reviews.
ironmind makes them
TDS mega bow bar another one
once the duffalo came out, everyone switched to copying that. But the ironmind and tds/nybb pre-date the duffalo.