So, there is the TOGAF standard - (free, available from the open group)
The Archimate specification (free, available from the open group)
Getting familiar with TOGAF and it's concepts is very helpful, strict adherence to the ADM is not really practical in my experience, but lots of the concepts, artefacts/outputs and processes are.
Archimate is the modelling language for EA - it's very flexible and very useful for modelling all sorts of things.
Archi is an open source EA tool based on Archimate that is excellent and it's user forums/git discussions are very good
In terms of actual books, I recently found Technology Strategy Patterns a very good read, very practical advise and examples, especially if you find yourself in front of execs.
I also enjoyed Mastering Archimate, and Chess & The Art of Enterprise Architecture by Gerben Wierda
Hope that helps