These, the rounded hook worked the best. After letting them soak in bleach water I used that one to go underneath or the middle and pluck them off. Not easy and is a long process, but worth it at least for me. Lol
TEKTON 6943 Precision Pick and Hook Set, 4-Piece
Its not a bradawl as those have a flat tip. It does look like an awl but I believe its just a straight pick from a precision pick set. Tekton has sets that look similiar to what you have.
I got these from Amazon to pull them off and it worked great for the inductions on a model y. I also am buying a set of Uberturbine 21s for the Y. I’m curious if the load capacity brings the max carry load to under 1000 pounds as that was kind of low already. I pack the car for work sometimes.
TEKTON Mini Pick and Hook Set...
Shove one of these between the outer ring and center screw. Lift the center screw while spinning.
The best way to remove hoses is with a hook and pick set. You can get something like this from your auto or hardware store or Amazon for $10. I have found them very helpful.
TEKTON 6943 Precision Pick and Hook Set, 4-Piece
The only reason this would be difficult is if the covers are thoroughly painted on, in which case cut the paint with a utility knife and use a pick (not a screwdriver) to get the paint out of the screwheads.
Exactly. I actually ordered this set for tasks such as this. Have paid for themselves 10 times over. Was able to pop the spring free and make the change in about 5 mins.
TEKTON 6943 Precision Pick and Hook Set, 4-Piece
I did this a couple of years ago and from what I remember it was a pain getting that harness disconnected. I want to say I used one of these pick sets to help pry the connector apart but I don’t remember for sure:
TEKTON 6943 Precision Pick and Hook Set, 4-Piece
Edit: I’d also recommend relocating your trailer wiring plug. I took a hole saw to my bumper and now the plug sits to the left of my license plate. I think there is a how-to on that explains how to do this.
>ATD 1.2 Adjustable Torque Driver
This torque driver is sufficient for smaller items and travel assembly. But you may want a larger torque wrench for things like rotors, cassettes, bottom brackets that could come undone.
I bought a set of picks and I end up using them so much for faucet repairs, pulling hair out of drains, unclogging tubes of silicone and other random shit. So useful.
Get a small right angle pick and pull it out. something like the the one in this set.
I think this is a useful set to have. TEKTON Mini Pick and Hook Set...
Ooo, good question. I'm not sure, aside from trying to pull the glue out. You might be able to use a small pick and hook set to help scrape it out? Wish I had a better suggestion.
I know it doesn't help now, but for future reference. If you can get it where you are (or can order from Amazon), Loctite Blue works fantastic for keeping things from loosening.
PerformanceReviews has a service guide on this tool, looks to be a little on the complex side but not impossible.
That said, there's a hair removal groove on the nozzle that you can run a box cutter through. Personally, I recommend this $9 Tekton hook set for hair removal.
Like others have said, just tear it down. You're going to need a special nut socket that looks like this
And a pick set is very useful to get some clips and seals out
Find repair manuals here
It doesn't list 85, just pick 86 or 84, they should be the same.
The hub lockers are aftermarket, so that part is going to be different from the manual. If you cant figure them out, find the instructions from Mile Marker website.
You could get a set of picks and pull out the broken connector. I've done plenty of times.
Paint remover and a pick.
A pick ?
TEKTON 6943 Precision Pick and Hook Set, 4-Piece
pretty sure that screw on the bottom has to be removed
use a set of picks - using the wrong tool for picking paint out is not fun
Acetone will take paint off pretty easily. If you buy a set of picks online like these you can easily get the paint out of the screws as well. Much easier than a screwdriver.
I had the same problem with my sock loom. I decided to try something different. I had all of the fancy dice. I bought these...
The ones that look similar to loom hooks actually work!!!
These are the picks you are looking for............
For small supports I used the following tools.
Pick set
Needle Nose Pliers
I actually use these for all support removal.