The battery is alright but the charger is shit. You can get a smart charger for $15 on Amazon though.
I was able to buy the same charger that is included in the battery + charger combo you linked for less on amazon. it may be possible to save some money by looking through all the charger/battery options available on Evike as well.
What do you think of this?
Just to get me going for now, then i'll invest in a smart charger after I use the weapon a few times! Also, check out the new pics I uploaded.
Might as well get a 9.6 butterfly style. The gun can handle it and you will have a bit better rate of fire.
As far as a smart charger- I highly recommend -
Its cheap and is great and comes with all the connectors to charge other batteries.
yes absolutely.
you may lose some life if you don't use matched cells but this is COMMON
RC Car battery packs (before lithium) worked this way.
you had 7 and 8 cell sub c cell packs. any of those chargers will charge your pack just fine.
charge at 1amp should be plenty safe a decent charger will auto detect full and stop.
do be sure to charge them separately the first time then discharge and charge "as a pack" only so the cells don't mismatch.
this will work just fine
and it is cheap too. you should be able to get away with a 2amp charge if your using 2amp hour or better cells.
That's the call I would make in my opinion! Sure, the tenergy universal nimh charger is to go to charger found here on amazon. This will only work with nimh batteries but if you're looking to get back into airsoft, I'd have to recommend getting a lipo battery. I don't think they were around 10 years ago but as battery technology has evolved, they're the new emerging battery type that holds the same charge, but more consistently and in a smaller package. A 7.4v lipo is about the equivalent to 9.v nimh.
Basically nothing, you can get a better charger for about the same money on Amazon
Well it's probably possible, but not recommended... especially when you could get a charger for 14 dollars on Amazon that will charge that battery correctly.
How about a dedicated NiMh charger? Like Amazon
Don’t buy the Evike one, it’s overpriced. Here’s one on Amazon for much cheaper (should be $18 with Prime.)
>comes with an analog speed control
there's no such thing as an analogue speed control in a tamiya kit, you've been misled.
the kit you've chosen now has an esc, the tble-02s, so you can disregard my original post aswell.
the redcat charger is not a tamiya connector, it's mini tamiya, the others aren't worth the money as they will take several hours to charge.
these tenergys are about as cheap as you can get, there was a company on amazon doing this charger with batteries (2 Hr charge time)
Dynamite Prophet Sport Mini 50W + adaptor is a good entry level charger at a 1 hour charge.
As you're buying the car from tower, if you spend $130 total you can coupon code $20, so you'll get the dynamite for $8.
the servo is good, providing it's genuine, which it looks to be.
I cant speak to those batteries but they look too cheap, if you have money left I can find better.
not essential but the first upgrade - $10 for a bearing kit, you can get them on ebay/amazon etc, the car will run and wear better.
What do you mean by "Power Supply"? Do I have to hook it up to like a bench top power supply? Because I probably don't have one. I found this other Tenergy charger on Amazon though, seems okay but not entirely sure on it yet.
The current capability formula is really helpful, thank you for that. Adding up the stall currents, it seems like I should still be able to run 2 fang rvs and a honeybadger right? The Fang revamps are 28A stall current each and the Honeybadger is 14A stall current, which is a total of 70A, only 5A of headroom so around 7% but it should be fine right?
What gauge of wire and what switches should I use? I'm thinking 16ga and 21A switches, but what's the bare minimum I can get away with? Current shouldn't be high enough to require a Mosfet right?
Are these XT-60s from OOD are good? Thanks for the tips on soldering the plugs, they'll definitely be useful.
Oh jeez, I don't even know. Total cost is probably around 350, but it'll outperform Any $350 gun you can just buy. It's effective range is around 200' and it'll do around 25 rps. I run 11.1v 2200 mah batteries and 1 battery got me through an entire day yesterday firing around 3k rounds.
The most important things you can do for range and precision is going to be barrel and bucking/nub. Durability upgrades would be shimming, AoE correction, and a metal tooth piston minimum.
Shimming itself is not that difficult and there are any number of YouTube guides. You do have to open up the gearbox for it though.
I'd say a 9.6 would get you through it. The only real pros of a 7.4 Lipo is the size per MaH. You can fit more electricoty into a smaller package. But there's absolutely nothing wrong with running 9.6 NIMH batteries. I moved the NIMH from my m4 to my SAW when I switvched the m4 to Lipo.
these batteries with this charger
I'd recommend having two batteries minimum. Even if one will last, having a spare can be the difference between a ruined day and having a lot of fun
I run this barrel but it's out of stock right now. ZCI barrels are an excellent value.
The SHS motor will give you increased trigger response at the expense of possibly being a little more power hungry but I never had an issue when I ran 9.6 batteries. That is the only con. It's better in every way than the stock motor. you can get it here
Is this the kind of charger you are talking about? Appreciate all the tips, also I'll be sure to get face protection.
The one you picked on Evike is a B6 clone. If you want a simpler charger that does both NiMH and Lipo look at the MRC 965. It is very easy to use but lacks the features of a B6 style charger.
If you are only doing NiMH there are plenty of cheap peak chargers out there.
Yep that's a NiMH battery. The best charger is this.
That is a tamiya connector, I will link you the charger you should get but there are cheaper alternatives if you are not willing to spend the $15
Give in to the temptation haha:
$15 and is part of super saver shipping.
Thats a standard tamiya plug. Used on tyco, radio shack, nikko, lots of batteries and chargers. Should be easy to find.
Here's one for $16 from amazon.
Also you can find those tenergy smart chargers on amazon for about 20 bucks here.
Other than that everything looks good!