TERNENCE Metal Male Chastity Device Small 304 Steel Stainless Comfortable Cock Cage Adult Game Sex Toy D250 (1.97 inch / 50mm) https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07F7X358F/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_glt_fabc_9251XN9BG22YRB8MP9N1?_encoding=UTF8&psc=1 I have this one. In my defense, the one I bought might be a little too large for me (I thought I did the measurements right) , and I’m still kinda new at this whole thing.
This is what I use, and it's not the best but it's comfortable, durable, small, and affordable. I wear it 24/7 without issues. 🥰😁
There's also an ergonomic option for 3$ extra but I've never tried it.
I wore this inexpensive cage from Amazon for around 16 months before switching to a Baby Cobra.
My cage is open so I have decent access to clean it.
And the temptation is fairly easy to avoid.
I'll take it off to bathe tonight and size up and see if that solves my issues. Otherwise I'll stick with my current size and just take it off for cleaning.
TERNENCE Metal Male Chastity... https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07F7X358F?ref=ppx_pop_mob_ap_share
I wore this cage for about 14 months and is damn comfortable.
this is the cage I got TERNENCE Metal Male Chastity... https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07F7X358F?ref=ppx_pop_mob_ap_share
This similar sized cage will take care of that problem.
This one here
One more thing is that part of my cock is covered under fat, so would that end up affecting the fit of the cage? Would losing weight also affect it?
I wear this cage a lot and really like it as it is so comfortable. If you don't want to go that small they make similar cages that are larger.
Here is a one inch cage that I wear (I rotate between three cages) as well as many others on this site.
This is the cage I wore before switching to the one above. Also a very popular cage on here.
Then there are the 3D printed cages. Check out the Cobra line of cages at r/kink3d. There are a couple of cages that are around one inch in length.
Here is one that small, metal and comfortable. There are lots more to chose from if you don't like this one.
Here you go my dude! It's from Amazon 😁