We only confer mercy and pity on creatures whose intelligence or awareness are within a certain distance from our own. Everyone draws that line in a different place, but even a staunch vegan kills to survive. We even kill for convenience; are those ants in your kitchen endangering your survival? Are you going to painstakingly extricate and relocate their entire nest out to the countryside? Nope, not when 10 cents worth of Borax (on Amazon Prime no less) will wipe out their whole civilizations. If a person makes $20 per hour, that means that at the cost of 18 seconds of labor, they can willfully and callously wipe out the whole colony. Thousands of individuals, thousands of larva and eggs, and the queen herself all dead... their memories forgotten, and their great works lost forever.
Suffice to say, there is no true "evil" in the world. Everyone is evil to something.
> liquid Terro
Sorry meant to ask you: is this
the Liquid terro you are referencing? Not the bait boxes right?