Or just get some Terro ant baits and place them around where they hang out. They will SWARM the baits but don't kill them yet, they have to bring poison back to the hive where it'll kill their mama and babies.
If indoors, the most convenient would be their Liquid Ant Baits (https://smile.amazon.com/TERRO-T300B-2-Pack-Liquid-Baits/dp/B00E4GACB8/)
Place a couple along their path, and also where you can see them entering your woodshed, then wait a few days. They are also coming in because they found a food source - follow their trail and see where they're going, then remove the food source.
Regular ants are often easily controlled with ant bait (it's basically just a mix of borax and sugar). I've had good luck with this stuff:
Carpenter ants might or might not pay attention to it, I suppose it can't hurt to try.
Terro Liquid Ant Bait is the bomb-diggity of such devices. Once you place them, ant activity will spike for a few days and then POOF!!! No more ants. Click Here to learn more.
Liquid ant baits are a gift from God. You put them where they’re coming in, they’ll swarm the place for the next day or two and bring all the poison back to the colony. The whole colony will go under and they won’t be there to break back in again. It’s the only thing that works long term at my house.
TERRO T300B Liquid Ant Bait Ant Killer, 12 bait stations https://www.amazon.com/dp/B00E4GACB8/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_i_9pBhFbSRQ9E9S
I’ve had a huge ant problem and tried multiple ant traps with no luck. This product here. I do not make, work, or am sponsored by this company nor amazon, I was not paid to write this. This is just a product that worked for me.
If those are above budget, try: TERRO T300B Liquid Ant Killer, 12 Bait Stations https://www.amazon.com/dp/B00E4GACB8/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_glt_fabc_SD3C44AFKJN35WPN1MJ9?_encoding=UTF8&psc=1
We started with them and it helped but didn’t do the job completely. Perhaps it will do the trick for you though. Good luck!
Apologies - the brand is Terro. I usually find the area where I see the ant activity and open the bait trap and put it down… the ants eat it and bring it back to the nest as it it’s a slow acting poison TERRO T300B Liquid Ant Killer, 12 Bait Stations https://www.amazon.com/dp/B00E4GACB8/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_glt_fabc_EF1ZMESK37EXNRJ0MHNS
We moved back to Austin years ago and were living on the West coast as well so I know what you mean. We had fire ants invade our kitchen in our previous rental house and Stride Pest Control was awesome in getting rid of them (we've been with them for 2.5 years now) but we used these ant baits in conjunction with Stride's treatment because they don't just die that same day. Stride treated our home every 3 months and the ants never came back.
Big +1 on the Terro traps. Vastly superior to other brands. Use lots and know that it will take some time for the entire colonies to be poisoned and in the meantime you will see lots MORE ants as they collect the slow-release poison.
Also do enjoy the #1 product review on Amazon:
These Terro liquid ant baits are the best. You don't have to order them from Amazon you should be able to get them at most local stores that carry that sort of thing. Don't bother with the little dome shaped ones, just go straight to the liquid ant bait. You may see more ants for a while during the time they are eating the bait, that's normal, but it will kill the queen and the whole colony after a while, then no more ants.
Baited ant traps work wonders - you should look into that. You'll have a million ants making a trail to it, bringing the poison back to their colony for a couple days. But eventually it will kill all of them.
Gross but super satisfying to watch ;)
They're not too expensive. You can get a twelve pack and probably be covered for outbreaks for the rest of your lease. Make your roommates pay or just suck it up and be the hero.
Of course, if there's other food available for them, they may ignore the trap. So make sure the rest of the kitchen is clean first.
Buggy hard drive, literally. Must be a Seagate drive.
Get these ant baits, they'll be attracted to that instead, take the poison back to the colony, share it and within 24 hours your ant problem will be gone.
I use this but it takes time:
Hmm, so unfortunately it does seem borax is toxic to cats. Perhaps you could put something like a strainer over the trap taped to the ground so the ants can get to the trap but your cat can't get to it.
I've decimated ants with the following:
TERRO T300B Liquid Ant Bait Ant... https://www.amazon.com/dp/B00E4GACB8?ref=ppx_pop_mob_ap_share
Andy dogs don't mess with it. I'll pour one or two down ant holes/into their nests and then leave a couple of more on well traveled paths. Has not failed me yet.
Trace the source, and deal with it from wherever that might be. If you have the good fortune to have an access point on the opposite side of the wall from the plumbing, that'd be a good place to start. If you see ants there, a Terro Bait Station will be VERY helpful.
Red flag! Some ants farm aphids. No joke. They move them and nurture them and squeeze them for their "dew" which is apparently sweet. Aphids multiply quickly and and can cause a lot of damage as well as spread mold/fungus/disease.
Find their trail or colony entrance and set out Terro traps. Spill a bit of the bait on the trail so they find it faster. It will take some time, but it will eventually cause their colony to collapse.
Like weeds, you have to keep at it.
So i have a home and like most home owners i have little critters that try to get in (squirrels, racoons, rats, mice, ants etc etc)
I swear to god this is the most effective ant killer i've ever tried. They mix the crystal poison in with sticky sugar water, the ants love it and feed the poison to their queen and their babies.
its terribly effective. ants LOVE the sugar water laced with poison. Plus since it just sugar water it just washes away with soap and water.
It depends on your tolerance for bugs. We get spiders, ants, roaches, silverfish, millipedes, craneflies, weevils, ladybugs, earwigs, and pillbug in and around our house.
As far as inside, roaches and ants have been an issue only a few times. We've never had a visible infestation of any, but the occassional trail of ants because of crumbs or something missed being wipes up. We just treat the ants with Terro traps and get rid of them all in 24-48 hours. It beats using nasty sprays.
If you can live with the occasional bug sighting and are relatively clean people, I think pest control is unnecessary.
These Terro bait trays have NEVER failed me while eliminating multiple types of ant colonies which occasionally find their way into my home. Do also know that, in my experience, cleanliness has little to do with ant colonization - and more to do with them seeking water.
This product works:
TERRO Liquid Ant Bait, https://www.amazon.com/dp/B00E4GACB8/
One day. They find it, bring all their friends, drink it down, and take it back to the nest. Within a few hours, the entire nest is dead, most importantly the queen. You will not have ants in that part of your house until the next year.
It's the only thing we use, anymore. It's magic, and after years of trying less lethal options (trails of cinnamon, borders of capsicum, any amount of naturopathy product like tea tree oil), none of which worked, we have up any resorted to murdering the nest.
You can also hire a company to put a chemical barrier around your house in the early spring. That will probably prevent the ants from getting inside at all that year. You have to redo it every year, though, and it ain't cheap.
These things are golden for ants. Place them in the ants’ path, ideally close to where they come in. Leave them down a couple days, first day you’ll see a ton of ants, don’t worry just leave them alone, if you see many going past the bait, put another one down closer to where they’re going. 2nd day you may still see quite a few but should die down to some stragglers, by day 3 they should all be gone. Leave them down a couple more days to be sure then toss them.
TERRO T300B Liquid Ant Killer, 12... https://www.amazon.com/dp/B00E4GACB8
This one is pretty safe. Don't put it IN the ferret room, but put it outside the ferret rooms windows and doors. It's not safe for the ferrets to interact with it, but it also doesn't get on the surfaces.
You mean sugar ants? Yeah those fuckers have a tendency to make their way into cars.
You can try using this, but make sure you’re monitoring it. The liquid can sometimes spill
Quit screwing around with that junk and just buy these. Set them out where the ants are coming out of the floor or wall or whatever, and it will take care of your problem.
TERRO T300B Liquid Ant Killer, 12 Bait Stations https://smile.amazon.com/dp/B00E4GACB8/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_glt_fabc_4XJZQW7J0WH2K5TS4S2C
This or the Diatomaceous earth someone else mentioned. Both are awesome. You can sprinkle the earth around window sills and doors
The Terro ant baits work fantastic and I have never seen them NOT take care of the problem.
>I have bought the generic terra baits from Walmart
You cant wage a war with generic shit. Buy the real brand name stuff!!
50,000 people giving the product 4.5 stars is nothing to scoff at.
Hey OP! Not sure if anyone has suggested these yet, but when my family had an infestation these worked really well for us: TERRO T300B 2-Pack Liquid Ant Baits https://www.amazon.com/dp/B00E4GACB8/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_i_VRgmDbS2J4WEB
You don’t have to order them off of Amazon. If you have a WalMart or Home Depot, they usually carry these. Hope this helps!
Let me tell you, I am the god damn king of getting rid of ants. I've been dealing with a recurring ant issue in my house for over a year. Inclement weather draws them into the house for shelter, so you need to strategically set up traps based on where they're coming in. Buy these traps and set a few along the trail of ants. Be sure not to set any too close to anything you want protected, because once the ants take the bait they SWARM like crazy.
Your life is going to be absolute hell for the next 24-48 hours, but you want to encourage them to keep taking the bait. After a day or two, the borax solution in the traps completely proliferates through the ant population, killing every man, woman, and child in the colony. Your ant issue will be solved, but you must then live with the guilt of knowing you committed insect genocide. But such is the price we pay.
No, these things. You should be able to get them at your local big box or hardware store for a few bucks. Set them up and leave the alone for a few days. It will suck because they are in your house but it should get rid of them.
Get some of this, I use it for carpenter ants and it gets them
TERRO T300B Liquid Ant Bait Ant Killer, 12 bait stations https://www.amazon.com/dp/B00E4GACB8/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_i_e4klFbZYYYHRT
Cheaper at Walmart, the link is for clarity on what it is
Terro traps work extremely well. I had ants in my living room and kitchen on Wednesday. Not tons, but more than a couple. I set out a Terro trap on the kitchen counter before work. Came home and there were a few ants near the trap. Woke up Thursday morning to see tens or hundreds of ants walking all around the trap and in a line to a light switch. The trap had a large clump of dead ants inside and a few lethargic ants in there too. When I returned home from work that night, there were no ants anywhere in my house. The ants had collected their dead, presumably brought them back to the colony and poisoned the queen. There is not a single dead or live ant in my house after 48 hours with a single trap.
If this isn't a glowing product endorsement, then I don't know what one looks like.
If you actually have an ant problem, I'm about to save you motherfuckers a huge headache. You'll thank me later.
I don't know the terms of your lease (you said apartment, so I'm assuming you're renting), but it might be worth at least contacting your landlord to see if they'll do something about patching up the cracks.
In the meantime, I live in the country and get ants like crazy. I use these ant traps, just be careful with them if you have pets.
I've tried these to some effect: https://www.amazon.com/TERRO-T300-2-2-Pack-Liquid-Baits/dp/B00E4GACB8/ref=sr_1_1?s=lawn-garden&ie=UTF8&qid=1476242230&sr=1-1&keywords=terro+ant+killer
Maybe I'll order some more and give it another go.
Update: I ordered terro as per the suggestion. The first 2-3 days the ants swarmed toward it (I found one of their entrances by a floor heat vent where hot air comes out), then eventually they stopped coming. I thought they all died but after about a week another swarm came and now at present it's looking like they're appearing less. It's been a month since I initially posted/bought this I'm hoping they're getting closer to completely dying and not instead attracting more ants from a far away place or something
Thank you! I had no idea what they were called. They are indeed really hard to get rid of, actually when the first comment was posted here I ordered terro as per the suggestion. The first 2-3 days the ants swarmed toward it (I found one of their entrances by a floor heat vent where hot air comes out), then eventually they stopped coming. I thought they all died but after about a week another swarm came and now at present it's looking like they're appearing less. It's been a month since I initially posted/bought this I'm hoping they're getting closer to completely dying and not instead attracting more ants from a far away place or something
Update: when I first saw your comment, I ordered terro as per the suggestion. The first 2-3 days the ants swarmed toward it (I found one of their entrances by a floor heat vent where hot air comes out), then eventually they stopped coming. I thought they all died but after about a week another swarm came and now at present it's looking like they're appearing less. It's been a month since I initially posted/bought this I'm hoping they're getting closer to completely dying and not instead attracting more ants from a far away place or something.
The sprays may be the next step if I see them invading further into the house. I'm a bit hesitant using them inside since I don't want to breath even a tiny bit of it in but will definitely try it outside if needed. Would you know if there's any effect on the soil or plants? (will it ruin/kill them?)
Update: when I first saw your comment, I ordered terro as per the suggestion. The first 2-3 days the ants swarmed toward it (I found one of their entrances by a floor heat vent where hot air comes out), then eventually they stopped coming. I thought they all died but after about a week another swarm came and now at present it's looking like they're appearing less. It's been a month since I initially posted/bought this I'm hoping they're getting closer to completely dying.
The box says to replace very 3 months though. I don't think the boxes attract other colonies as well as the smell (pheromones) that comes from the ants when they find food does so shouldn't the boxes be left incase more ants come?
Update: when I first saw your comment, I ordered terro as per the suggestion. The first 2-3 days the ants swarmed toward it (I found one of their entrances by a floor heat vent where hot air comes out), then eventually they stopped coming. I thought they all died but after about a week another swarm came and now at present it's looking like they're appearing less. It's been a month since I initially posted/bought this I'm hoping they're getting closer to completely dying
The box says to replace every 3 months, so I'm not sure when is ok to remove them, and in my case they did reappear though it looks like this colony is close to dying
Thank you for the suggestion!
Update: when I first saw your comment, I ordered terro as per the suggestion. The first 2-3 days the ants swarmed toward it (I found one of their entrances by a floor heat vent where hot air comes out), then eventually they stopped coming. I thought they all died but after about a week another swarm came and now at present it's looking like they're appearing less. It's been a month since I initially posted/bought this I'm hoping they're getting closer to completely dying and not instead attracting more ants from a far away place or something
I can't help with the husband, but the ants are an easy fix. You should try this https://www.amazon.com/Terro-T300B-2-Pack-Liquid-Baits/dp/B00E4GACB8/ref=sr_1_2?ie=UTF8&qid=1529051336&sr=8-2&keywords=terro+liquid+ant+bait these things unleash wrath upon those ants!
I also found that when dealing with my own depression that doing nothing around the house only made me feel worse, it wasn't always pretty but I forced myself to clean and cook for myself (in my case no one else was going to do it for me.)
These work super well for my house's ants. Once they find the bait they carry it back to the nest and die.
Bonus: bust a nut in one since they've got the taste for it
Use this inside: TERRO T300B 2-Pack Liquid Ant Baits https://www.amazon.com/dp/B00E4GACB8?ref=ppx_pop_mob_ap_share
put this inside your car near the ants, the ants will take it to their hideout and poison every ant in there, it might take a month to get rid of them all
Try Terror ant baits, https://www.amazon.com/dp/B00E4GACB8/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_apa_glt_fabc_3QV64DAQMVC7PS49A34A
when I had tons ants in my apartment [these](https://www.amazon.com/TERRO-T300B-2-Pack-Liquid-Baits/dp/B00E4GACB8) worked well. takes a week or something then theyre all gone.
Place a Terro Ant bait nearby. They'll be drawn to that instead, take the poison back to the colony and within 24 hours your problem will be gone.
I had a little ant infestation in my car. This Terro bait solved the problem - the worker ants bring it back to the queen and the colony dies off: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B00E4GACB8?psc=1&ref=ppx\_yo2ov\_dt\_b\_product\_details
make sure the ants can reach the sugar liquid. they will share the poison with their queen cause its so sweet and they like it so much.
Look ex exterminator here ants are one of the most difficult to eradicate. You have to #1 remove any and all food availability. No crumbs no inside garbage. # 2 step up your ant killing game. This is a war, there can only be 1 winner.. so ypu need to get the colony not the ants you see net time you see a trail before spraying it, follow it, see where they are coming from then place the grants outdoor stakes below all around. Then also stop spraying the ants inside the house instead place the terro bait stations (,link below) all around where there is activity. You want to see lots of ants at the bait stations as they will take the poison and go back and feed it to the colony. Then you stay on top of it when ever you see ants put out a bait station. You got this!
TERRO T300B Liquid Ant Killer, 12 Bait Stations https://www.amazon.com/dp/B00E4GACB8/ref=cm_sw_r_apan_i_B1MHDR1D8QN9PRDJAZ9H
Clean ALL of the crumbs and then use something with borax, like https://www.amazon.com/dp/B00E4GACB8
These liquid traps are great.
TERRO T300B Liquid Ant Killer, 12 Bait Stations https://www.amazon.com/dp/B00E4GACB8/
TERRO T300B Liquid Ant Killer, 12 Bait Stations https://www.amazon.com/dp/B00E4GACB8/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_glt_fabc_DSPWYGXFWSMSBG7HMWZS
Gotta love invasive Argentines.
ProTip: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B00E4GACB8/ will kill them off for some time.
This right here. https://www.amazon.com/TERRO-T300B-2-Pack-Liquid-Baits/dp/B00E4GACB8/ref=sr_1_2?dchild=1&keywords=terro&qid=1608137002&sr=8-2
Lay these around your bed posts and windows/doors. The ants will carry this sweet poison back to its home and wipe the whole colony out in time.
Amazon. Link if you want some.
TERRO T300B 2-Pack Liquid Ant Baits https://www.amazon.com/dp/B00E4GACB8/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_apa_i_.ByFDb753KSF5
Not sure how bad your ant problem is, but I found these to be very effective: https://www.amazon.com/TERRO-T300B-2-Pack-Liquid-Baits/dp/B00E4GACB8
TERRO T300B Liquid Ant Bait Ant Killer, 12 bait stations https://www.amazon.com/dp/B00E4GACB8/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_i_UqieFbF9WDA4H
We had great results using these last year!
Here you go mate: TERRO T300B Liquid Ant Bait Ant Killer, 12 bait stations https://www.amazon.com/dp/B00E4GACB8/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_i_9U-cFbTWZHB9M
Why not get a Terro ant killer and enjoy ant free wood 48 later.
This is what we use:
TERRO T300B 2-Pack Liquid Ant Baits https://www.amazon.com/dp/B00E4GACB8/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_apa_i_iTdmCbT3NF10Q
Obviously, put it where baby absolutely cannot get to it but this stuff is amazing and works fast.
I had a sugar ant problem that finally went away when I planted these ant traps.
Check the reviews on Amazon. It has a 4.4. All good stories too.
TERRO T300B 2-Pack Liquid Ant Baits https://www.amazon.com/dp/B00E4GACB8/
Terro for any ants that get indoors.
Suspend SC along the foundation, windows, and doors where ants may enter.
Hopefully homeowner will take care of it but the method above will create a barrier preventing ants from getting in and if any are inside the terro should kill them including the nest).
Amazon link - you're welcome -
Probably something simlar to this.
I've used the terro ant bait stuff in the past in the different places i lived in. They always seem to work well and after a week or so I never see ants again. Worth giving a shot.