Alexandra Stein makes this very explicit in her book Terror, Love and Brainwashing.
Specifically, the mechanism that keep victims of domestic abuse captive is the same as for those in high control religious groups or other secular cult-like groups.
Her primary focus is more on non-religious cult groups, as that is what captured her, but she consider many different groups and the neutral description of the mechanisms is interesting.
You’ve done a really wonderful and brave thing by building that site and sharing your story!
My experiences varied from yours. One example: I believe there was a masterful manipulation of the youth by Reva to control their dating and marriages. SOL borrows heavily from fundamentalist patriarchal religious systems except that women in those systems are to be seen and not heard. Reva is the leader at SOL (arguably) so in my opinion instead of pushing for young marriage as the patriarchal system tends to do (I do not condone this either, I’m just noting an shift of extremes), she forced all youth to seek her approval and permission for any dating/courting therefore holding it over them as a method of behavioral control. This gave her immense power to force young people and their families to stay in line and under her control in order for her to bestow permission to date (chaperoned and following all fundamentalist rules of purity including no kissing until wedding day of course). I witnessed some very troublesome matches, years and years of holding off marriages until people “got their hearts right” with one thing or another, etc. Parents weren’t consulted, and the women in my experience had very little say in who they dated. The idea that one could only seek out a partner that was a member of this tiny church, and even then, only one she allowed as a match was always disturbing to me.
Furthermore, the church uses the BITE method of control and I think it’s a good thing to call this out. We have a reasonable handle on psychological techniques to coerce otherwise smart and good people. This church is textbook.
BITE method primer:
A good resource to understand use of fear in behavioral control: