No no, don't go by rule of thumb with AI (or even with the Endo's recommendation of 1 mg Adex ED - that will absolutely crash your e2, and give you a really bad time. Even as a man you need e2 ;) a good range would be 15-30 pg/ml ).
Get blood tested, and adjust your AI intake according to the test - this really the best way, trust an experienced user of Roids. Since you are not shooting high amounts of aromatizing Compounds in your Body, just a legitimate Dose of TRT Test - you probably could get away without using any AI at all. But again - only Bloods will tell you the real story. I can't stress it enough, get regular blood work done - for your own sake, it is really worth it.
I would like to give a book recommendation, look up Nelson Vergel's "Testosterone: A Man's Guide- Second Edition"
> e.g.
He is explains everything you need to know for TRT, from a Patients perspective - I cherish that book, it taught me a lot. He also has a nice Forum at, they are more concerned with legit TRT - unlike us Meatheads here in r/steroids, hehe ;).
Hope I was a little bit of help - have a good one Mate.
If you want TRT Advice, I would consider joining the excellent Forum , and pay also /r/Testosterone a vist.
Nelson Vergels Book on TrT is also a very good introduction into the Subject:
This is about treating the Symptons of chronic low Test, and all the baggage it brings with it. Not about getting jacked (or looking for Legal Steroids). For getting jacked, I would never go the TRT Route, and self prescribe - and just be smart about it. Use pharma Test, get bloodwork done, keep the levels in a healthy range, all that Jazz. Blast and cruise into the sun.