Tetra 29095 Cube Aquarium Kit, 3-Gallon https://www.amazon.com/dp/B008CA7W7E/ref=cm_sw_r_awd_.mt1vbJE93FST
I love this cube aquarium ($35-40), I currently have 2! It comes with a light, filter and air pump. I replaced the filter with a sponge filter ($5). The air pump it comes with will work for awhile, but I eventually replaced it with a milion brand one (~$10) it's a very quiet pump- important because the tanks are in my bedroom. I use an aqueon 10w mini heater (~$10). You should also get a thermometer to make sure your temperature is stable in the tank as a safety measure. I bought all of these supplies on Amazon because prime is amazing. Good luck!
Do you think this would be a better tank? Or is the one in my original post better?
I bought the older version of this kit, which comes with a light and a filter. When the shrimp started mating, I put a sponge over the intake. It slows the flow a lot but hasn’t seemed to make a difference in anything.
Wondering how you like that tank and where you got it? I love the look of them. I was looking at a similar one here: Tetra Cube Aquarium Kit, 3 Gallon https://www.amazon.ca/dp/B008CA7W7E/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_glt_i_8X247KJ5X15T74DY4GFH
I’ve been looking around and checking reviews but haven’t been able to commit to anything yet.
My gf has it in her tank using the lighting it came with which is three crappy LEDs. I mean they're bright but not like my Nicrew over the tank LED setup (which is also $20 and fantastic if you need lighting).
Gave her maybe a 4" cutting from my 5.5 gallon walstad and it branched out already and is probably 6-7" tall after a few weeks. No ferts, just one betta to shit in it for nutrients.
Hi! Thank you so much for sharing Jarrariums. I checked it out and it has tons of ideas and useful info. I'm not familiar with some of the terms you mentioned: spec, mods and spray bar. Forgive my ignorance, but I would love to learn so I can keep shrimp happy!
You can check the aquarium that I bought here
Thank you for all your help!
I had a Tetra Cube for a while, which comes with an LED and a Whisper filter. It's 3 gallons, and square (so has a smaller, more convenient footprint), and my little dude seemed to really like it. http://www.amazon.com/Tetra-29095-Cube-Aquarium-3-Gallon/dp/B008CA7W7E?ie=UTF8&keywords=tetra%20aquarium&qid=1460017344&ref_=sr_1_1&s=pet-supplies&sr=1-1
I'm looking at this tank, just because of the aesthetics of the tank itself, but I'm 100% sure I want a better filter. Suggestions?
I'm guessing I'd need a good heater, too.
I'm thinking of going the shrimp route for this tank.
http://www.amazon.com/Tetra-29095-Cube-Aquarium-3-Gallon/dp/B008CA7W7E/ref=pd_sim_sbs_199_3?ie=UTF8&refRID=1KEJGYWJKMM7EK9QFC14&dpID=51B92sd-n1L&dpSrc=sims&preST=_AC_UL160_SR160%2C160_ This one is 3 gallons for a few more dollars o: MORE SCRIMPS!
I'm looking for a light to replace the one that comes with the tetra cube. Which of your products would be best? Should I hold off for this new iteration?
As stated in title, Fishy is the newest member of our household.
My first instinct was to read up on bettas and in doing so, found this subreddit.
I have several doubts, such as:
what kind of betta is this?
Is it healthy? (Ive seen more vibrant colors on pics posted here)
Can/Should I pair it with other fish?
Are pellets preferred over flakes?
As per suggestions on this sub, I think buying a bigger tank is my number 1 priority; im currently looking into a Tetra Tank (3 Gallons), this one is favored by my wife, as she finds its aesthetically pleasing (and I agree). However, most people suggest a 5 Gallon tank, so Im also looking into a GloFish Tank, we both dislike the blue led on this model and the black plastic lid it comes with.
In any case, we're also looking to buy the following:
Filter * which we think we would only buy if we get the Tetra Tank, as per amazon commenters suggestions.
We already have a net (for scooping), drops to dechlorinate water, aquarium salt (for cleaning) and what you see already in the tank.
Please help us give this fish an awesome life!
PS.: We are not in the US, if it even matters.
Its acrylic but i got it for a great price around black friday on Amazon
Tetra LED Cube Shaped 3 Gallon Aquarium with Pedestal Base https://www.amazon.com/dp/B008CA7W7E/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_Eu-MAb7SYPXMB
You should read this - it's very helpful: http://kb.rspca.org.au/How-should-I-keep-and-care-for-Siamese-fighting-fish_441.pdf
You can get most of what you'll need to begin from a local fish store, or Petsmart/other large petstore with fish. You can go on amazon, or buy direct from aquarium supply sites (Hagen, Marina, Fluval).
The filter you buy will come with the first filter media. You can buy replacement filter media from most pet stores that also have fish/fish supplies.
Lights will depend on wether your tank is planted.
I use API stresscoat/water conditioner.
Bettas need a variety of foods, brine shrimp as a treat (not necessary) with a staple community flake or pellet, you can feed them fresh food too. Sometimes I cut up teeny pieces of cucumber to mix it up. If you choose pellet type food, be careful of granule size. They only need a few a day, sometimes every other day.. you should do a little online research to see what would work best for you :)
You could try something like this, and then you would just need a heater which are pretty cheap for smaller tanks: http://www.amazon.com/Tetra-29095-Cube-Aquarium-3-Gallon/dp/B008CA7W7E/ref=sr_1_16?ie=UTF8&qid=1454887779&sr=8-16&keywords=betta+filter
If you're set on getting items separately, aquaclear HOB filters are reliable and have adjustable flow, you can also use filter sponge to control the flow. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lzRalK-MVR0
You'll need a heater. These ones are cheap as chips - they're not fantastic by any stretch but they do the job for smaller tanks: http://www.petsmart.com/fish/heaters/grreat-choice-mini-aquarium-heater-zid36-20874/cat-36-catid-300076
You should look at fins. Fins should be open (read as: not sticky looking) and without tears. Is it active? Hard to tell when it's in a cup - which is how most are presented in pet stores. Colours can change dramatically depending on health, so take that into consideration if you're choosing based on colour.
I understand not wanting to spend a lot on the set up - but the reality is this is not a cheap hobby. Be prepared to spend around $80-100 total. I'm in Canada, so its more expensive than that for me! Depends where you live I guess :)
Item | Current | Lowest | Reviews |
Tetra Cube Aquarium Kit, 3 Gallon | $59.99 | $59.99 | 4.1/5.0 |
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Item | Current | Lowest | Reviews |
Tetra Cube Aquarium Kit, 3 Gallon | $59.99 | $59.99 | 4.1/5.0 |
^Item Info | Bot Info | Trigger
Item | Current | Lowest | Reviews |
Tetra Cube Aquarium Kit, 3 Gallon | - | - | 4.1/5.0 |
^Item Info | Bot Info | Trigger
It's more depends on the floor space and the shape of the tank, than on gal. Larger floor pace is better, 2.5-3 gal will allow to keep more shrimp, neocaridinas are reproducing fast. Even 1 gal bowl could be used, but try to see your shrimp there. The same setup is described as a Walstad method in Jarrariums subreddit.
I wouldn't use sphere, too little floor space.
Cylinder better to be at least 10" diameter.
I was able to get 12" wide shallow clear glass punch bowl in the Value Village, but this is a matter of luck.
Walmart should have half moon aquarium kit, 3 gal, looks good, small footprint (13x6" or so), good enough for my more than 60 blue dream neocaridinas (moss tank with vertical aquascaping and moss wall, aLift sponge filter). Or at least 1.5 gal cube, fair enough, but you can keep there less shrimp. Kits include air pump and air driven filter, light is too weak for plants, use desktop lamp. Amazon.ca has 3 gal version of it.
But if you have Big Al's store nearby, you can get 5 gal glass tank (with black rim) for CND $20, or a rimless 12" cube for $40-45. Tanks in $100+ price range could be ordered online.
Canadian PetSmart has either worse tanks or more expensive, at least it is so near me.
Either use Walstad method with rooted plants, or as Marks Shrimp Tanks on youtube.
Tom Aquatics internal filter could be used without cage, just protect intake by gutter guard mesh with filter floss, it's the smallest available pump. Or, if tank is not a sphere, Azoo Mignon 60 HOB filter. Sponge filters are the cheapest and provide grazing area for the shrimp, but they take place in the tank. If you would be using this, vertical kind would be more suitable than the chunky wide common sponge filters.
Air pump with tubing, without air stone, could be used for moving water.
Looking to buy my sons and I our first Betta fish. They are 9 and 3 and I think it is something that we can enjoy together while teaching them some responsibility and work ethic in the process. Not looking to spend an arm and a leg, but would like the nicest setup available for $100 or less (including filter system and heater). I've linked a couple of aquariums below, but feel free to steer me in the direction of some others and/or better deals/quality. We are limited on space, so I won't be able to do anything more than a 5g tank. I've never owned fish, so I'm a complete noob here. Any and all help is appreciated!!!
Tetra 29095 Cube Aquarium Kit, 3-Gallon https://www.amazon.com/dp/B008CA7W7E/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_s4p.ybQZFS8V8
Penn Plax Curved Corner Glass Aquarium Kit https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0069RR2CC/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_y5p.ybJPG54RG
What do you think of this one? https://www.amazon.com/dp/B008CA7W7E/ref=cm_sw_r_awd_uYIYwbRAGGN2Q
This is the new tank I got
e: Actually that has some mediocre reviews.... what about this one?
yea divide it, keep in mind bettas do jump, or buy a really cheep 2.5 gallon tank. http://www.amazon.com/Tetra-29095-Cube-Aquarium-3-Gallon/dp/B008CA7W7E/ref=sr_1_1?s=pet-supplies&ie=UTF8&qid=1426133030&sr=1-1&keywords=aquariums
She looks like a delta to me. I would suggest getting her a bigger tank. Amazon has a 3 gallon cube tank that comes with a filter that I use for my boys. It’s not very expensive, and it looks very modern, and it also cuts down on maintenance.
Smaller tanks need to be cleaned more often or they smell
Aquarium with Pedestal Base https://www.amazon.com/dp/B008CA7W7E/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_BaB-BbFCKF89A
Thanks for the info. Its a 3 gallon. link It came with a filter, but i didn't set it up. I'll do that then, i just thought they kept the water from looking murky which doesn't happen for a while so i just use a syphon to change the water whenever it looks cloudy.
If you really want a 3-gallon betta tank, this is a much better option. It's a minimal and attractive tank. It's easier to clean since there's no bulky-plant-thing on top. There is also more room to decorate and thus more room for your fish to play and hide.
Plus if you want to grow kitchen herbs and stuff, just get potting soil and put pots on a sunny windowsill. Soil is cheap and pots are cheap. You don't need an overpriced sub-optimal aquarium to grow basil, rosemary, peppermint, etc.