<strong>THC Marijuana Surface Residue Detection Test</strong>
8 bucks. Two tests per pack.
Have one in your glove box and if a cop ever pulls this bullshit on you, swab your dash and headliner while still on camera and film the negative result.
Submit a civil complaint to his department and file a criminal civil rights law suit.
Why would you want to smoke in the car at all?
The smell tends to stick for long periods of time, and even if the driver is sober that can cause suspicion.
The odor alone would be enough for a cop to test the driver for traces in his system and use a swab like this towards a DUI; https://www.amazon.com/dp/B00BPX4XW2/ref=cm_sw_r_other_apa_i_GqMfCbSKNH5P1