You may want also to read the books by Al Ries, "Immutable Laws of Marketing" and "Immutable Laws of Branding" ( I can't remember what the numbers were: 22 Immutable Laws, or something or other ), as well...
It takes time to build following, & connecting with the people who are interested .. isn't some God-given entitlement .. it takes groundwork.
I just discovered that intead of having 1 EU site, Amazon has a zillion nationally-specific sites...
Here's the US link to the book I'm telling you to get:
That's the one.
Find it at your local Amazon, & however short it is, it gives you the complete template of what you are required to do.
It is a precious resource, for anybody who isn't a business person, who wants to be self-employed.
( there are others, completely irrelevant to your situation, so you don't have to read them!! ; )
Salut, Namaste, & Kaizen, Hoomin
( :
I would start with something like this course to get some fundementals.
Great intro book to modern digital marketing:
Great copywriting book:
After reading those you will have a great base to succeed.
looks like it is a book.
Easy, read this and implement:
FB can work but it can take a wile. I know other MSPs that do it well, they will target the receptionist etc of the business that they are looking to pick up. it sometimes takes years but cost fark all. targeting cuts down cost a lot. google is much the same think of problems that end users may be searching for not MSP end users are not looking for an MSP they want a problem solved. also have a chat with your vendors my CSP wholesaler helps with marking to the point of providing hot leads. Local business groups are great too. I did find I had to go to about 12 months of meetings before any work or referral's but I enjoy going out at seeing people.
Pick a niche and hit it hard.
have a read of this short book the 1 page marketing plan by Allan Dib
Read this book and do what it says
Set up a website - one including your location - so that people looking for video in your area can find you.
Have a stack of business cards printed and send them out to businesses along with a letter.
Speak at local business groups.
Look for referrals from web design companies, weddings venues, business advisors.
...And honestly, you should have been able to work this out by googling "How do I market a small business/photography." Eg from the first page of results -
Or you could have bought a cheap book on Amazon. These are the first two I found on Amazon
It sounds to me like you're freezing on the business side. This is a problem that you HAVE to get over. If you can't unfreeze and start approaching people, get out of the business - because it will be a disaster.