Shame is hazardous my friend, embrace your old self and kill it softly.
If you really want to be the fearless and strong version of yourself, I highly encourage you to read this book
Okay Master TitaniumWalnut, then you have work to do and a harder path to forge lying ahead of you. Are you willing to put in the time and dedication/discipline to achieve it?
Caveat: so I can see your parents side in that they probably want you to get trained in a profession that will bring you a nice living for the rest of your life. It will give you options. Good money will open doors for you. They have raised you and want to see their child become a successful member of society. It might be fruitful to ask them what about STEM makes them want their child to pursue it. What will it do for you in their minds? This information will help you in arguing for your dreams. A way to pull the rug out from their argument. Food for thought.
That being said, you only have one life to live and you want it to be lived devoted to music. If they are planning to have you go into debt with student loans, to achieve THEIR dream for you then they have a weak bargaining position.
Now first off you haven’t defined for Reddit what a future in music means for you. What music path will answer your calling? Are you trying to be the next Freddy Mercury? Play in an orchestra? Compose music for movies? Be the sound engineer for lots of artists?
You need a researched plan/roadmap. How do you get to your ideal music career path? What education/training/apprenticeship do you need? Reach out to someone already with that career. Adults love to mentor people. Ask them for practical advice and maybe a ride along for a day in the life of. What city(ies) offer that job? What does it cost to live in those cities, (rent/utilities/food/etc)? Will the average person doing that job cover those bills in that city? If not how will you make up the difference? Hopes and dreams mean nothing if you don’t put in the time and effort to plan out at least a rough idea of how you will achieve them. Also really take a hard look at yourself, do you have the raw talent and commitment in your heart to be successful at this. That poor tortured artist crap ain’t gonna cut it. Choose a music career path that you can excel in!!! It may not look exactly like you thought but it has to scratch your itches.
Now in dealing with your parents. Like I said before, asking you to go into student loan debt, for a future that puts you in a state of despair, really weakens their ability to “force” you into anything. You don’t have to finance any future you aren’t on board with. So, what do we do to convince them to have a change of heart?
The truth is you, might have to forge ahead without their permission my friend. But when you turn 18 you are legally an adult and they legally can’t stop you. They can cut you off financially, they can put you down for not following their dreams for you. But the question isn’t if they’ll let you, the question is how they gonna stop you? Let me Reiterate this, stop thinking like their child and start framing your future as the adult you will be.
How momma and daddy gonna stop you from going after your dreams? They can’t but YOU can stop YOU by the choices YOU make. If you leave the nest not on their terms, you will have no choice but to make it on your own. On your own terms. This will be hard, and will have many bumps maybe even some dead ends and false starts. You have to steel your soul to stay hungry and keep at that future and keep carving it out. Every day you have to tell yourself you will make it you will not stop until you win! You have to work to be the best at that music thing you choose cuz your proving them all wrong. Are you ready? You have 2 years to get there.
Listen to things that will motivate you to keep going cuz life has a lot of haters and you need to combat that with positive messages.
I recommend positive quotes that you post up where you’ll see them. Also:
Les Brown ‘It’s not over until you win’ video
Stay Hungry Tony Robbins video
So, I would keep the status quo with mom and pop for a while until You sort your plan out. First off, define your ideal future and than get a fucking plan on how to get there and then fucking go after that shit man. Every day you have to live and breath it. Get scholarships, work summer jobs music related etc. so you can fund it. Um also look into how to separate your money from your parents control. Call up the bank on the process etc. some parents might take your money as a power move to force you into their plan. Anticipate this and have a plan of how you will make it despite a setback like this. Ya dig?
Lastly, if you plan to go into the music business, it is brutal my friend. But here’s a book that will give you an edge on success and spotting the sharks. Library probably has it:
Didn't this asshole write a book on business?
50 is a pretty intelligent man himself. A great book that has anecdotes on Curtis Jackson (50 cent) and which specifically relates his cleverness and shrewdness to many universal power principles is a book written by Robert Greene called The 50th Law. Fascinating read. You can download the audiobook for free via torrent.
PS. Greene's other book, The 48 Laws of Power, is mind-altering. Also available in audiobook for free on torrent if you're broke/cheap.
don't forget this one: get rich or die tryin
50 Cent's The 50th Law.