I second 7 Habits of Highly Effective People. For those of you with ~~Uncle Bezos~~ Amazon Prime accounts, it's free to read with Amazon Kindle which has a free web reader app-- To be clear, you do not need an actual Amazon Kindle physical device to read the book. It's completely free for Prime members. <strong>Here is the link</strong>.
> So I just want to become a nice person, any tips?
I am ADHD guy with reaaaaally big problems with concentration and laziness. I used multiple methods and these are working for me:
Set up your goals and do it really precisely. Ask yourself few times: "Is this really what I want?" and find out things you really want to achieve. If you have big enough "why?", it's easier to give a fuck about something because you can always ask yourself "What will happen if I wouldn't achieve my goals?" and trust me, vision of being old looser is scary enough to motivate to work.
Changing lifestyle is about replacing bad habits with good ones. Read about habits and understand the process of building habits. I can recommend you :
Every week or two replace one bad habit with one good habit in your life. Best habits I already have and can recommend for you are:
These small changes can speed you up and keep you motivated in bad moments.
Try to find out some system that works for you. I personally can recommend:
Bukowski was right. If you find some passion in your work - you'll stop feeling lazy or procrastinating.
I hope it helped.
P.S. Sorry for my English.