I would love the Abhorson Trilogy box set! Merry Christmas!
>1: Link your Steam ID.
>2: What country are you from?
>3: What's your number one wishlist game of this moment?
Currently it is Papers, Please
>4: Every game has a bad thing, no game is perfect(except for The Witcher 3, 420/69) tell me the downside of your all-time favorite game.
My all time favorite game was probably Diablo 2. The only downsides were walking out of town and a level 99 one shots your level 20 and steals all of your gold, and scammers :| (people would offer some really good gear in the trade menu, so you offered some good gear in return. You both click confirm, and he gets everything and you get sadness).
>5: Why do you deserve/want this game?
Papers, Please is a glorious game where you play as a border guard into Glorious Arstotzka. I want this game purely for comedic value of it and the fact that it runs on my craptop. I also have a good memory so I could be pretty good at remembering what to check.
>6: I'll be on vacation next month so I need to do something else than gaming. Recommend me a book, anime, film or serie(or something else?) which I could enjoy. Multiple recommondations are allowed.
-For a book I would recommend Lord of the Rings, it's truly a great trilogy, but if you have already read it I would recommend the Abhorsen trilogy. Was a really good read. Another good series is Percy Jackson, but don't watch the movies.
-For a movie I would recommend again Lord of the Rings, Spaceballs, or Jurrasic World if you havent seen it yet. I dont know anything else. Not really a movie person
For a TV show is recommend Lost. It's really freaking good!
>7: Give your opinion; "A trashcan without trash, isn't that just a can?"
If you put trash in the trashcan at one point in time then its still a trashcan, but if you bought the trashcan and didnt put any trash IN the trashcan then its just a can.
>8: What's the best thing you ever saw happening(doesn't have to be witnessed at the moment, reading a story about it afterwards is also allowed)
Probably when I was walking down the street one day and someone gave a homeless man a hundred dollar bill. It was just beautiful.
>9: Choose a number between 0-9(0 and 9 included)
7 Master Race
>10: Best serie you watched as a child?
Foster's Home For Imaginary Friends.
Thanks OP!
Garth Nix's Abhorsen trilogy. Bit lesser known than Potter or Dark Materials...but just as well written and just as dark.
Not sure which one, but it sounds like one of the Abhorsen Trilogy books. Maybe Sabriel? She has a talking dog friend?